7 REASONS YOU SHOULD BE A GOOD KISSER Having a partner that - TopicsExpress


7 REASONS YOU SHOULD BE A GOOD KISSER Having a partner that kisses great is one of the best feelings as far as romance in relationships is concerned. Like I would always say, kissing isn’t just an act; it is an art, being a good kisser would only make your partner crave you the more...If you have never taken the kissing thing seriously then you need to read this... 1. IT’S THE FIRST STEP TO GOOD LOVE MAKING Ever noticed how every act of love making starts mainly with a kiss? This shows how important kissing really is; so imagine if the first step is boring and dull; it would only ruin the romance. There can never be a good romance with a bad kisser; it’s like putting too much salt in a sweet pot of soup; the salt ruins everything and the sweet soup wouldn’t be enjoyed. 2. IT WOULD MAKE YOUR PARTNER FOND OF YOU The truth is no one forgets a good kisser; all good kissers are fondly remembered. Kissing send tingles to the brain that still remains there even after a long while. Kissing has a way of not just creating a good present but leaving a lasting memory as well. 3. KISSING RAISES PASSION HIGH Kissing isn’t just kissing, it tones the passion that comes with romance; only the act of kissing can take romance to a fever pitch; good kissing does that but a bad kisser would spoil the mood and passion levels might never get to that height. 4. IT’S FOREPLAY PERSONIFIED Foreplay can hardly be done without kissing; kissing is the first child of foreplay, it’s more like the captain of the ship; foreplay is an important aspect of romance and love making and kissing just makes foreplay all the more better. Without kissing, foreplay might just be like a lost kid wandering in a park; so being a good kisser makes foreplay all the more better. 5. IT AIDS ORGASM Foreplay aids orgasm especially in ladies and kissing is one of those foreplay instruments that can send your lady to cloud nine. A good kisser would definitely please his/her partner in more ways than one 6. KISSING STRENGTHEN RELATIONSHIP BONDS Kissing has a way of strengthening the bond in a relationship and being a good kisser would aid that bond while being a stale kisser might not be good enough. According to Levende Waters “a kiss seals two souls for a moment in time”. Good kissing should never be underestimated. 7. A GOOD KISSER MAKES ONE HAPPY Kissing definitely brings its own form of happiness, and only a good kisser can do that; a bad kiss won’t bring happiness or leave any lasting memory but good kissing just takes the mood to a different level and would leave your partner happy ever after. Kissing has been way too underrated; being a good kisser would make your romance blossom and keep your partner in awe of your lips for a long time. Are you a good kisser?
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:40:00 +0000

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