7 Taweret - Protecting the Innocent Taweret is a monster made - TopicsExpress


7 Taweret - Protecting the Innocent Taweret is a monster made of a hippopotamus head, lioness body, and crocodile tail. These were the most dangerous animals in Egypt, and this creature was made of all of them for the purpose of protecting newborn babies at the moment of birth. Protecting y/our work and sought out legal protections for it, Using y/our intuition ((scanning)) blah de blah who want to work with us Key Words : Integrity Hones-ty Trust Creation Birth Protection Blessing Family Members. 43 Geb – Earth Geb is the god of Earth, the land we live upon. Gebs symbol is a goose and his name is the sound geese make to greet each day. He supports the ground we walk on and gives us food to eat and trees to shelter us. Are weed mindful of the resources weed use and conserve for our future generations? Do weed take time to bless y/our meals, going all of the way back to the people who farmed the food and those who transported it for sale? Stable foundations & well-connected with OUR earth. 6 Aton - One Source The Aton was the single god of Akhenaton, the first ruler in history to declare one god to be the only god. His vision for all of us was to have god be the one source of all: light, life, and eternity. He chose the sunlight as a symbol of Gods love for everyone. The rays touch the rich and powerful as well as the small and weak. All are given the great gift of life. 52 Bennu - Safe Place – ((Phoenix))-Club Egypts phoenix, the Bennu bird. In a creation myth, the Bennu lands upon a benben ((stone)), that is the only thing above ((water)) when the god Ptah builds the first dam to hold back the ((water))s to create dry ((land)). The very fact of the bird lighting upon the stone declares that the land is good and habitable for mankind. The benben stone was always found at ((oracles)), where people would go to learn their future from the priests. So in addition to livable land, the benben designates sacred land. 46 Aker – Time This glyph is Aker, the hieroglyph for time. The symbol shows a horizon of ((two hills))-project and the sun resting between them. It shows the now in which we live (the sun), which is supported by the past and the future (the two hills). E.t-ernity is infinite time, but we do not have that in our lives here. Treasure every moment weed have on ((Earth)) and ((wakkke up)) to the ((missions)) WEED ((choose)) to ((fulfill)) in y/our ......life-time.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 01:44:20 +0000

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