7 Tips for Igniting Your Content With Social Media 1. Know Your - TopicsExpress


7 Tips for Igniting Your Content With Social Media 1. Know Your Audience If you dont know who your audience is, how will you ever connect with them? Most brands have an understanding of their audiences demographics - age, gender, HHI, ethnicity. But you have to go beyond these statistics to get a better understanding of their interests, needs, mindsets, and behaviors to truly make a connection and become an important part of their lives. 2. Provide Value Your content must provide some type of value to your audience. That value could be education, increased productivity, entertainment, or cost savings. To the consumer, it shouldnt seem like marketing, even though we know it is by nature. Its providing long-term awareness and brand recall. Its making sure your brand is right there with the consumer at each step along their path to purchase so that when it comes time to make a decision, youre the first brand that comes to mind. 3. Expand Your Conversation Brands, especially B2B brands, have a tendency to be egocentric. They talk only about themselves ad nauseam - their products, services, features, benefits, staff, culture, financials, and on and on. Customers dont want to hear about this. Theyre egocentric, too, and want to know what else your brand can do for them. . 4. Look Beyond Facebook and Twitter Creating content doesnt automatically mean users will come consume it and engage with your brand as a result. You must draw attention to the content through owned, earned, and paid methods across a variety of channels, not just the big ones. 5. Know Your Dimensions People share things not only because those things look good, but because those things makethem look good. People share things not only because those things look good, but because those things make them look good. If your content is cropped inappropriately or appears blurry and pixelated, its probably not going to get shared by users on social media channels. Be aware of how your content will display on different social networks and devices by understanding the various dimension of each channel, and how your audience most often finds that content. 6. Dont Ignore the SEO Impact Its no longer accurate to talk about the intersection of social and SEO. These two services dont just intersect; they coalesce into a united effort to increase findability across all digital platforms. Therefore, separating these efforts into siloes and different departments will not only hurt you today, but certainly in the future. 7. Measure Success Before creating a single piece of content or posting one Facebook message, determine the objective of your content and what metrics you will use to measure performance. Start by identifying the important metrics within five buckets: awareness, consumption, engagement, actions, and SEO impact. While the specific metrics in each bucket will vary based on your strategy, objectives, and resources, some common ones are: • Awareness - impressions, reach, mentions • Consumption - clicks, visits, referrals • Engagement - likes, shares, +1s, time on site • Actions - leads/sales, PDF downloads, newsletter sign-ups, site navigation • SEO Impact - increased organic site traffic and activity, increased organic backlinks, increased engagement on specific content pieces
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 05:18:05 +0000

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