7 WAYS TO SHOW APPRECIATION TO YOUR WIFE 1. Show Her Appreciation Your wife needs you to show her that you appreciate her, in both words and actions. That means telling her “I appreciate what you do” and “I appreciate who you are”… but mostly in a more specific sense, as in “I appreciate that you were there for me when I needed it the other day.” 2. Show Her Respect Men and women both need to be shown respect, but how you go about it can be very different. You can show your wife respect by being old-fashioned when it comes to certain things: open, and hold, doors for her, let her always enter before you, and standing up for her when someone insults her. You can also show her respect by things that aren’t so old-fashioned, things that will be important for as long as the human race is around, like paying attention to her and actively listening to her when she talks to you. 3. Show Her Romance It’s unfortunate, but some men simply aren’t romantic by nature… and women can tell. In spite of that, women will still appreciate the effort that you put into trying to be romantic. If it does come naturally, that’s even better. One thing to remember when you are being romantic is that it means a lot more when you are creative. Rather than just take her to dinner and a movie, for example, you could leave her a small trail of notes, one leading to another, with the last one leading to the tickets. Trust me… she will remember things like that. 4. Show Her Love This can tie into being romantic, but is a whole lot more, as well. There are so many ways that you can show her love… hundreds of little things. And make no mistake, showing her love is all about the little things, not the big ones. In a relationship it’s much more important to get the little things right day to day than it is to do big things. Some of those small things you can do: hold hands, listen to music that is special to you together, touch her face, kiss her, hug her, and one that’s important but also usually one of the first things to be forgotten – soul gaze. 5. Show Her Respect For Family Women, in general, are more socially aware than men. They pick up on how you treat others, especially how you treat family. This includes both her family and your family. Treat family, on both sides, with respect. This means helping them when they need it… without complaining. It also means not speaking badly about them… which doesn’t mean hiding the bad parts, but rather that you be nice. In other words, you don’t have to pretend that they do no wrong, but you don’t have to call them names. 6. Show Her What You Love About Her Women, and men, too, for that matter, need to hear specifics about what it is that you love about them… and not just one time. Your wife needs reminded of what it is that makes her special to you. This can be physical things, like her eyes, her lips, or her touch. It can also be personality traits, like her honesty, compassion, or sense of humor. One of the really good things to tell her is what you love about how she makes you feel. 7. Show Her She Is Number One This, again, is one of the things both women and men need, though men many times try to hide or deny it. When you are in a relationship your significant other should know that they are your number one priority. This is something that you should show them every day, through all the little things… when she is talking to you, stop doing other things and pay attention. Stop what you are doing other times, too, just to show them love. When she calls you, walk over to them instead of just shouting back “What?”. And don’t forget to tell her, too. Tell her she is your number one, the most important thing in the world to you. Tell her often enough to make sure she remembers. Once again, as always ends up being the case, it’s all about the little things. It’s the day to day, moment to moment things that build a relationship, and make it strong enough to last. Remember… without the little things, there are no big things. Tell her you love her, and show her that you love her… these are the things that keep a marriage strong.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:39:14 +0000

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