7 Ways Youre Sabotaging Your Happiness Shared with love from - TopicsExpress


7 Ways Youre Sabotaging Your Happiness Shared with love from Amita Patel at MindBodyGreen. 1. Jealousy Whether its in relationships, work, or any other aspect of life, jealousy is less about what the other person has and more about what you perceive you do not. This misplaced anger hurts you more than it helps you to get what you want. 2. Resentment It might seem like holding onto anger will keep you safe from getting hurt again, but it actually weakens you. Forgiveness is a much stronger and healthier “F-bomb” to drop on those who have wronged you. 3. Dependence When we rely on others for happiness, we block our ability to give it to ourselves. Your relationships with others should mirror the happiness and self-love you already hold within you. 4. The need to “fix” people Even if you could change others, you still wouldn’t be happy. Why? Because it’s not them you’re trying to fix. Accept others for where they are in their journey. This doesn’t mean accept all the crap that comes your way. Quite the opposite. If a toxic person is bringing you down, trying to change them would be like swimming with an anchor, you’ll only sink faster. Change what you can control: You. That means adjust your expectations or let them go. 5. Perfectionism It’s great to strive to do your best, but if your happiness is dependent on the outcome, you’ll set yourself up for disappointment. Nothing is perfect. This symptom of black-and-white thinking is often what holds us back from taking initial action or being happy with the end result. 6. Self-doubt If you don’t think you can do it, you won’t. Whatever limits you perceive are the ones you’ve placed on yourself. Consciously or unconsciously, it’s a choice. 7. The belief that you’re better The moment you think you’re above anyone or anything is the moment you prevent yourself from learning. If you think youre done learning, you’re right.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 09:09:51 +0000

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