7) Zia-i Akhatar by Haji Muhammed Husan (Lucknow 1878), - TopicsExpress


7) Zia-i Akhatar by Haji Muhammed Husan (Lucknow 1878), p.38-39. The author states : The mosque which had been built by Saiyid Musa Ashikan in 923 AH in compliance with the order of Zahiruddin Badshah, Delhi, after demolishing the private apartments (mahal sarai) of Raja Ram Chander and the kitchen of Sita, as well as the second mosque built by Muiuddin Aurarigzeb, Alamgir Badshah, (in fact) both these mosques had developed cracks at various places because of the ageing character Both these mosques have been gradually mitigated by the Bairagis and this very fact accounts for the riot. The Hindus have great hatred for the Muslims. (8) Gumgashte Hatat-i-Ajodhya Awadh Forgotten Events of Ayodhya, i.e. Tarikh-i Parnia Madina Alwatiya (in Persian) Lucknow 1885, by Maulvi Abdul Karim. The author, who was then the imam of the Babari Masjid, while giving a description of the dargah of Hazart Shah Jama! Gojjri states : To the east of this dargah is mahalla Akbarpur, whose second name is also Kot Raja Ram Chander Ji. In this Kot, there were few burjs (towery big halls). Towards the side of the western burj, there was the house of birthplace (makan-i paidaish) and th-? kitchen (bawarchi khana) of the above-mentioned Raja And now, this premises is known as Janmasthan and Rasoi Sita Ji. After the demolition and mitigation of these houses (viz Janmasthan and Rasoi Sita Ji), Babar Badshah got a magnificent mosque constructed thereon. In this work, the author has referred to numerous contemporary sources. It was translated into Urdu by his grandson Maulvi Abdul Gaffar in 1979. 15 (9) Kaisar-ut Tawarika ya Tawarika-i-Awadh by Kamaluddin Haidar Hosni al Hussaini al Mashahadi (Lucknow 1896), vol. II, p 100-112. The author gives the same account of the construction of Babn mosque, as given in Mumggah-i Khusrawi. (10) Tarikh 1 Awadh by Alarna Muhammad Najamulghdiii Khan Rampun (1909). Dr Zaki Kakorawi has brought out an abridged edition of this book An excerpt from vol II (pp. 570-575) of this edition runs as follows : (a) Babar built a magnificent mosque at the. spot where the temple, of Janmasthan of Ramchandra was situated in Ayodhya, under the patronage of Saiyid Ashikan, and Sita ki Rasoi is situated adjacent to it The date of construction of the mosque, is Khair Baqi (923 AH). Till date, it is known as Sita ki Rasoi. By its side stands the temple. It is said that at the time of the conquest of Islam there were stiil three temples, viz Janmasthan, which was the birthplace of Ram Chanderji, Swargadwar alias Ram Darhar, and the TretakaThakur Babar huiltthe mosque after having demolished Janmasthan. (b) in short, the turbulence (of 1855) reached such a stage that apart from the mitigated mosque at Hanuman Garhi, the Hindus built a temple in tfie courtyard of Babri Masjid where Sita ki Rasoi was situated. (c) ..Ultimately, on Zildaqqa 1271 AH (July 1855), for the tenth or twelfth time, nearly two or three hundred Muslims gathered at Babn Masjid which is situated inside the Sita ki Rasoi.. It is important to observe that the learned author used as many as eighty one sources (manuscripts and books) covering the history of India/Awadh from the 17th-19th centuries, comprising mostly Muslim authors, though a few Hindu and European writers have also been referred to. In parenthesis, we remark that the calculation of the year 923 from the numerical values of the letters making up the expression Khair Baqi (as before the adoption of Indian numerals, letters were still used sometimes |o encode numbers), rests on a mistake. The full expression which is repeated in the inscription on the Masjid, is Bavad Khair Baqi. of which the numeral value adds up to 935. the AH year partly coinciding with 1528 AD (11) Hindustdii isldini Ahad Mein by Maulana Hakim Sayid Akhdul Hai. Maulana Hakim Sayid Akhdul Hai (d. 1923), an eminent scholar on the history of Islamic culture and also rector of Nariwatul Ulama, wrote on India under Islamic. Rule in Arabic, in the early 20th century. The book was published in Hyderabad in 1972. It was translated into Urdu and published with a foreword hy his worthy son, Maulana Abdul Hasan Nadwi., alia Ali Mian, by the Nadwatul-Ulama, Lucknow 1973 An English translation was published in 1977.
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 16:58:27 +0000

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