*7 dana misterije / 7 days of mysterious* ~ Sigurnosne kamere, - TopicsExpress


*7 dana misterije / 7 days of mysterious* ~ Sigurnosne kamere, kontrola finansijskih transakcija, radio frekventni čipovi u potrošačkim proizvodima, praćenje vaših internet pretraga, pregledanje vaših e-mailova i prisluškivanje vaših poziva. Bez vašeg znanja i saglasnosti, svaki aspekt vašeg života je posmatran i sniman. Ali ko sve to nadgleda? Tajna globalna elita, koja funkcioniše kao skrivena vlada. Ona kontroliše finasije, tehnologiju, međunarodne zakone, svetsku trgovinu i ogromne vojne resurse. Oni koji imaju moć su nevidljivi za većinu i neće se zaustaviti dok pod svoju kontolu ne stave čitav svet. U "Skrivenoj vladi," Grant Jeffrey otkriva svaki aspekt njihovog plana. On takođe pokazuje biblijski opis satanske vladavine i pokazuje tehnološka sredsva koja će antihrist koristiti u vladanju svetom. Vaše oči će biti otvorene i sa ovim znanjem bićete opremljeni da se suočite sa događajima koji će uskoro da uslede ~ Security cameras, control of financial transactions, radio frequency chips in consumer products, tracking of your Internet searches, view your e-mails and tapping your calls. Without your knowledge or consent, every aspect of your life is observed and recorded. But who oversees all? The secret global elite, functioning as a hidden government. It controls the finance, technology, international law, world trade and the vast military resources. Those who hold power are invisible to most and will not stop until under its Control Operations not put the whole world. U "Candid government," Grant Jeffrey reveals every aspect of their plan. It also shows the biblical description of Satan rule and demonstrates technological means at the Antichrist will use to rule the world. Your eyes will be opened, and with this knowledge you will be equipped to deal with the events that will soon be confronted.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 12:38:31 +0000

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