7 foods that boost your memory: Cabbage Cabbage head might not - TopicsExpress


7 foods that boost your memory: Cabbage Cabbage head might not be the insult you think it is because cabbage is a good source of folic acid. The closest thing we have to a magic bullet for fixing memory problems is folic acid (also known as folate), says Bauer. This nutrient may just be the single best way to lower blood levels of homocysteine, which is thought to damage blood vessels. A study from Tufts University linked homcysteine to memory decline but also suggested that folic acid served as a buffer. Eggs Eggs get celebrated for having so much protein that we forget that theyre rich in other nutrients, like vitamins B6 and B12. The same Tufts University study that found folic acid protected the brain also discovered that B vitamins seemed to play a role, as well. This same study also showed that men who were deficient in vitamins B6 and B12 showed a more rapid decline of memory than those who had adequate blood levels of those vitamins, says Bauer. Broccoli and Broccoli Rabe A Harvard study of 13,000 women suggests these cruciferous veggies can protect your memory. The participants who ate relatively high amounts of vegetables over the years had less age-related decline in memory, says Bauer. Cruciferous vegetables and leafy green vegetables—including spinach and mustard greens—had the biggest effect on helping women retain their memory during the course of the study. Not only are broccoli and broccoli rabe cruciferous veggies, but theyre also high in the antioxidant quercetin, folic acid, and vitamin B6. Strawberries Strawberries are an excellent source of anthocyanin—an antioxidant that has been shown to reverse memory loss in animal studies. Plus, they help keep blood cells and neurons healthy and prevent plaque buildup in arteries, allowing a steady flow of blood to your brain. But they’re especially high in folic acid and vitamin B6. Red Wine Obviously, too much red wine has negative consequences for your memory (both immediately and long term), but in moderation, the quercetin—another antioxidant—in red wine can actually help protect your memory. Bonus: Red wine also contains the antioxidant anthocyanin—just like strawberries—so it’s doing double duty, says Bauer. Coffee and Tea Researchers from the University of Innsbruck in Austria found that caffeine improved performance on a memory task. If youre not a fan of coffee, tea also has caffeine and quercetin for an extra powerful punch. Salmon This fish is particularly high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help maintain a sharp mind, says Bauer. In fact, a Rush University Medical Center study found that people who ate fish at least once a week had a 10 percent slower decline compared with those who did not eat fish. It’s a difference that gave study participants the memory and thinking ability of a person three years younger than them. As an added kicker, salmon is also rich in vitamins B6 and B12. Just be sure to opt for Alaskan wild-caught, which don’t contain pesticides as farmed salmon do. more at: womenshealthmag
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 14:13:53 +0000

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