7 habits confident people practice daily 1. They - TopicsExpress


7 habits confident people practice daily 1. They Exercise It is almost impossible to feel low about yourself when youre full of feel good endorphins. Feel good hormones clear the fog and allow your mind to see your self as you really are - a happy, positive, beautiful human being. 2. They Slow down if theyre driving too fast When your mind is racing, it can drive to some outlandishly negative places. Deep breathing restores rationality and control by putting the breaks on, slowing down and seeing the journey as it really is 3. They Laugh - LOTS You dont have to find anything particularly funny. Just laugh out loud if youre feeling low and the feel good chemicals will trick your body back to feeling confident youre back on the right path 4. They make others feel good Making others feel confident had a positive feedback loop for your own self esteem. Paying someone a heartfelt compliment on a daily basis costs nothing and means everything to you and your world. 5. They hold good posture and speak with assertiveness When you speak with assertiveness (not aggression), stand tall, and have your head held high, your world will notice. You will inspire confidence in others when they can put their trust in you. The more people trust you, the more confident it makes you feel about your ability to lead and inspire. 6. They dont pretend when theyre not confident about something If youre not confident you can do something in your life, make a point of saying so and either politely decline, delegate or tell them you will come back when youre ready. Confident people have the confidence to admit when theyre not comfortable with making a decision. Confidence in certain life decisions can take time to build - so dont rush in to things if you dont feel ready. 7. They smile at life Just when things are getting too serious, the confident person has the habit of smiling and seeing themselves from the outside in. Confidence in yourself and your life path often doesnt have to involve gutsy decisions and talking to strangers in bars, it is at times simply having the faith that no matter what, your ability to just be is the most empowering thing you could ever do for your self esteem Will (dog walker, surfer, bringing you a confidence meditation this weekend:)
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 17:45:16 +0000

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