7 things you may or may not know about me... 1. I wrote my - TopicsExpress


7 things you may or may not know about me... 1. I wrote my first book (and fully illustrated it) when I was 9 years old called, The Killer Birds. I think I had just watched the Hitchcock movie, The Birds, and decided to do my own take on maniacal birds. The protagonist, a boy my own age, is attacked by a murder of crows and is carried to an underground layer where there is a King Bird as big as he is, that is directing all birds to take over the world. 2. I define myself as Agnostic/Atheist. What does that mean to me? I believe all religions are man-made and not god-inspired. I do not believe in god (Atheist). Could there be a god? Sure, but I do not know if there is as Ive never heard or seen anything to make me unequivocally think there is (Agnostic). I think it is just as likely that an advanced race of aliens could appear god-like to us and we have mistaken them for gods as it is that there is an invisible, all-knowing, all-powerful deity that created everything. 3. I attended 16 different schools from K-12. 4. I take my coffee drinking waaaaaaay too seriously. My burr coffee grinder cost $200, my coffee pot cost $160, and I order my coffee beans freshly roasted from a company in California. Ive even taken my own coffee pot and beans on vacations so I wouldnt have to drink shitty hotel coffee or buy overpriced and bitter Starbucks. 5. I have a wide geographic spread of favorite sports teams. I have lived in Illinois, California, and Washington and so goes my teams: Seattle Seahawks (NFL), Chicago Bulls (NBA), San Francisco Giants (MLB). I also love professional tennis (Andy Murray is my favorite player. It used to be Andre Agassi when he played.) 6. I have mild S.A.D. (Social Anxiety Disorder). When you combine that with my introverted nature, it can get interesting, to say the least. Most people who know me have no idea. When I am in comfortable situations with people I know well, it is not evident. The weirdest things freak me out. For example, I get tremendous anxiety when I use the drive-thru at a fast food restaurant. I cant explain why, I just do. Im nervous and almost sick for days before I attend my homeowner association meetings. Whenever I do anything for the first time, the list of unknowns almost overwhelms me to the point of illness. I force myself to continually push my limits to keep it from defeating me, but there are times when I just have to spend the weekend at home without interaction with other people just to find my center. 7. I have been cutting my own hair since 1995. LIKE my status and Ill give you a number.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 16:57:06 +0000

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