70%, IS THAT ENOUGH: Just so you know, during this year of the - TopicsExpress


70%, IS THAT ENOUGH: Just so you know, during this year of the midterm elections where Democrats try to get people to forget about the debacle known as the Affordable Care Act they are using as their platform instead for another smoke screen called income inequality. Now I am not one to promote rich people getting over on the poor, but I do believe creativity and ingenuity should be rewarded over lazy assness! More importantly though, I believe people should know the truth. 70% of all money collected by the U.S. Government, and that it has at its disposal goes directly to the people in the forms of subsidies. This is not easy to understand fully so let me try to break it down where you have a better understanding of it. The government takes in approximately 2.7 trillion dollars every year in taxes, and borrow at least another trillion. Thats at least 3.7 trillion every year. 70% of that money or roughly 2.5 trillion goes directly to you and I in one form or another. Food stamps, welfare, disability, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and many more subsidy laden programs are the direct recipients of this money, which goes directly to the poor and needy of America. Couple that with the fact that the government which is run by the Democratic Party has put 4 trillion dollars directly into the pockets of the ultra rich of the world by investing 80 billion dollars a month into the stock and real estate markets. If they were so concerned about income inequality then why not invest that 80 billion a month for the last five years in the poor neighborhoods across America? No this is just another example of their smoke and mirrors game they play on the poor to get their votes, even though the poor dont realize they are being played. So please try to understand while talking amongst yourself what is best for you, just how much is truly spent on the poor already. If they spend anymore on subsidies America will truly be weakened to the point were we will be vulnerable to attack by a foreign force. We are now gutting the military to the point where we are going to be smaller than anytime since WWII. Yes I know we now have a smarter tech driven military, but if you continue to gut its funding, then you lose that tech edge, and lose our edge around the world. We have enough money for compassion towards the needy, now lets start having compassion for common sense!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 13:28:19 +0000

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