70 Years Ago Today: Saturday, March 4, 1944 European Theater, - TopicsExpress


70 Years Ago Today: Saturday, March 4, 1944 European Theater, Strategic (POINTBLANK) 8th Air Force Mission 247 – 502 B-17s are dispatched to hit industrial areas in the suburbs of Berlin. Bad weather forces all but 249 aircraft to turn back. Only one Bomb Wing attacks the primary target, with the rest hitting targets of opportunity. 15 B-17s are lost, with 144 men listed as killed or missing. B-24s were also dispatched, but abort because of the weather. Escort is provided by the 8th and 9th Air Forces, with 86 P-38s, 563 P-47s and 121 P-51s. Four P-38s, four P-47s and 16 P-51s are lost, with 25 men listed as killed or missing. During the night, other 8th Air Force aircraft fly CARPETBAGGER missions. During the night, 15 RAF Mosquitos attack Berlin, six hit Duisburg, one hits Aachen and one hit Sottevaast. Elsewhere, 10 Halifaxes lay mines off Brest, and 76 aircraft fly resistance operations. European Theater, Tactical (OVERLORD) The 9th Air Force sends 251 B-26s and 21A-20s to bomb Malines marshalling yard and the Bernay Saint Martin Airfield, but they abort the mission because of heavy cloud cover over the targets. Mediterranean Theater, Tactical 12th Air Force cancels most operations because of bad weather. However, P-40s fly a few sorties against gun emplacements in the battle area over Italy, and others uneventfully patrol the Anzio area. Italian Campaign Enemy forces facing VI Corps, of the US Fifth Army, are ordered to hold their present positions and organize them for defense. A lull ensues. China – Burma – India Theater At request of General Marshall, General Stilwell meets Admiral Mountbatten in effort to improve relations with him and iron out major differences of opinion. The meeting is amiable and current problems are settled. China – Burma – India Theater (China) In China, the 14th Air Force dispatches five B-25s and 23 P-40s (16 of them Chinese) to attack the airfield at Kiungshan. The airfield is heavily damaged, several parked aircraft are destroyed, and 17 Japanese aircraft are shot down. Meanwhile, four P-38s and two Chinese B-25s sink a freighter, a tanker, and a motor launch in the Shihhweiyao and Wuhu areas. In French Indochina, six B-25s bomb the Thanh Hoa chromium mine and Campha Port, and two P-40s strafe railroad yards and warehouses at Hongay and Campha Port. Five P-40s are dispatched to bomb Cao Bang, but because of bad weather, they attack Chinese-held Lungchow, China, by mistake. Six waves of Japanese aircraft bomb the airfield at Suichwan, causing considerable damage. China – Burma – India Theater (Burma) A force of over 60 A-36s, P-51s and P-40s, and a single B-25, from the 10th Air Force, bomb dumps, roads, bivouac area, and other targets in the Seton, Sawnghka, Pinbaw and Walawbum areas, of Burma. Numerous fighters carry out patrol and armed reconnaissance sorties in the Sumprabum area. On the ground in Burma, the 2nd Battalion, of the US 5307th Provisional Unit, blocks the Kamaing Road north of Walawbum, while the 3rd Battalion, without those elements at Lagang Ga, opens fire on Walawbum from the heights east of the town. The Japanese make an unsuccessful attempt to cross the river and out flank the Americans, opening strong attacks against the 2nd Battalion. The 3rd Battalion, a holding force at Lagang Ga, withstands an organized enemy attack. The 1st Provisional Tank Group, finding that the Japanese have withdrawn, advances about three miles southeast, from Ngam Ga to Tsamat Ga, near Maingkwan. Southwest Pacific Area The 5th Air Force sends a group of over 20 A-20s and B-25s to support ground forces on Los Negros Island. In New Guinea, more than 30 B-24s, with fighter escort, pound airfields in the Wewak area, and over 20 other B-24s bomb Hollandia, while A-20s bomb buildings and gun positions in the Saidor area. Fighter field is completed in the Green Islands, with a bomber field scheduled to be completed late in the month. On Los Negros, the 2nd Squadron, of the 7th Cavalry, and the 82nd Field Artillery Battalion arrive to reinforce the beachhead. The 2nd Squadron, 7th Cavalry, replaces the 2nd Squadron, of the 5th Cavalry, in line. South Pacific Area Air Command North Solomons attacks the Rabaul area, sending P-40s, along with US Navy fighters and dive bombers, in a strike on anti-aircraft positions and targets of opportunity. Meanwhile, four patrolling RNZAF Venturas hit targets of opportunity along both coasts and at Vunalama and Mandres Plantations. In other action, 48 B-25s and 12 P-38s, along with over 20 US Navy fighters, hit the Rabaul town area in three closely spaced attacks. P-38s also attack targets of opportunity on Duke of York Island, in the Admiralty Islands. Elsewhere, 12 P-39s hit Monoitu and targets of opportunity along the southwest coast of Bougainville Island, and RNZAF Venturas join US Navy planes in attacks on Japanese embarkation ports around Choiseul Bay, on New Georgia Island, while targets of opportunity are hit by P-40s on patrol over Shortland Island. Central Pacific Area 7th Air Force P-40s bomb and strafe runways at Mille Atoll, while B-25s bomb airfield installations and runways in Wotje Atoll, in the Marshall Islands.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 12:16:42 +0000

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