70 Years Ago Today: Thursday, September 7,1944 ** Selected - TopicsExpress


70 Years Ago Today: Thursday, September 7,1944 ** Selected Highlights ** Bulgaria Bulgaria declares war on Germany. European Theater, Western Europe Bad weather in France grounds 9th Air Force bombers. In US First Army’s XIX Corps area, the 113th Cavalry Group, leading the eastward movement toward Holland, reaches the Albert Canal, near Hasselt. In the VII Corps area, the 3rd Armored Division drives forward to Liége. In the V Corps area, the 5th Armored Division is immobilized by lack of gasoline. In US Third Army’s XII Corps area, the 2nd Cavalry Group reaches the Madon River, where the bridge is held intact. European Theater, Southern France In US Seventh Army’s VI Corps area, Besançon falls to the 3rd Division. Mediterranean Theater, Italian Campaign Bad weather in France and Italy cancels all flying for the 12th Air Force. In US Fifth Army area, II Corps completes preparations for an attack. However, during the night, the enemy withdraws to the Gothic Line, making the first phase of the assault unnecessary. China – Burma – India Theater In Chungking, General Hurley, Donald Nelson and General Stilwell talk with Chiang Kai-shek, who reiterates his willingness to let Stilwell control all Chinese troops in the field, but asks for new Chinese Service of Supply operation staffed by Americans. China – Burma – India Theater (China) In China, 24 B-25s, from the 14th Air Force, attack town areas, river shipping and trucks. Meanwhile, 11 B-25s bomb the Tien Ho and White Cloud Airfields, and two more bomb the Siangtan ferry. Elsewhere, five B-24s hit four freighters southwest of Hong Kong, and a group of nearly 100 P-40s and P-51s, over southeastern China, attack numerous targets of opportunity. China – Burma – India Theater (Burma) The 10th Air Force dispatches 22 B-24s to fly fuel to Kunming, China, and many other troop carrier and cargo sorties are flown to numerous CBI terminals. On Salween front, mop-up of the Sung Shan position is completed. The battle for this Burma Road strongpoint has cost the Chinese 7,675 dead, most of them from Chinese 8th Army, and virtually destroyed all of the estimated 2,000 Japanese on and around the position.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 11:37:37 +0000

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