70 man who loves wealth violently is truly ungrateful to Allah - TopicsExpress


70 man who loves wealth violently is truly ungrateful to Allah (SWT). Buthis own life bears witness to his evils. Allah (SWT) is the All-Knower;therefore all hidden things will be laid bare on Judgement Day. Sûrah Al-Qâri’a: On the Day of Judgement the earth will be destroyed by a deafening noise. Then a Balance of Justice will be set up and allman’s deeds will be weighed thereon. Those who have done good willget their rewards; the others will be punished. Sûrah Takâthur: People’s great striving for piling up only worldly goodswill end when they will die; but then they will learn the Truth too late toavoid Allah (SWT)’s Punishment. Sûrah ‘Asr: Through the ages it has been proven that “man is in loss,except those who believe, do good, join together in the teaching of Truth, and remain patient”. Sûrah Humaza: The scandal-mongers, backbiters and selfish hoardersof wealth are condemned. The Fire of Allah (SWT)’s Wrath will burnright up to their hearts, thus shutting them out of the love and pity of their fellowmen. Sûrah Fîl: Do not be power-hungry or love the world’s resources toomuch. Allah (SWT) will cause apparently harmless forces to defeat you.This was the case of Abrahâ who came with his powerful army of menand elephants to destroy the Ka’ba . Birds in the sky struck this armywith stones and caused its defeat. Sûrah Quraish: If the Quraish loved the Ka’ba because they, ascustodians of it, benefited by the income it caused them to gain, theyshould be grateful to Allah (SWT) alone and accept His Message (becausethe Ka’ba was originally built by Ibrâhîm and Ismâ’îl [‘Alayhim as-salâm]to glorify Allah [SWT]). Sûrah Mâ’ûn: People who do not serve Allah (SWT)’s creation byfeeding the poor, but rather push away the orphans harshly, and do notserve Allah (SWT) well either by being “neglectful of their prayers” arehypocrites. They only do things “to be seen” by men. 71 Sûrah Kauthar: To men of Allah (SWT) will be given a Fountain whichwill quench the spiritual thirst of millions. Therefore, “pray to Allah(SWT) and sacrifice!” Those who hate Allah (SWT)’s men will destroythemselves by their doings. Sûrah Kâfirûn: Men of Faith will hold onto their Faith. The rejecterswill hold onto their wrong beliefs. Tell them to follow their way, andleave us alone. We will follow our Way too. Sûrah Nasr: After Allah (SWT) gives you Help and victory, praise Himand pray for your forgiveness. Do not become proud. Sûrah Lahab: Those who try to inflict physical pain on the Believerswill fail in their attempts. They will suffer the pain of Allah (SWT)’sPunishment. This is especially true of Islam’s enemy and Muhammad(SAW)’s uncle, Abû Lahab, and his wife. Sûrah Ikhlâs: Allah (SWT) is the One and Only. He is Everlasting andfree from all needs. He has no father, mother, or children because He isa Unique Being. There is none like Him. Sûrah Falaq: This Sûrah gives us the remedy for all superstitions andfears by teaching us to seek refuge in Allah (SWT) from every kind of evil arising from outer nature and from dark and evil plotting and envyon the part of others. Sûrah Nâs: This Sûrah tells us to trust in Allah (SWT), rather than man,as our sure Protector. It warns us specially against the secret whispersof evil within our own hearts. 72 Translation: “O Allah (SWT)! Take Mercy on Us by(the Mercy of) the Great Qur’ân. And raise us (in spiritual status) by (Your) Verses and Wise Reminders. And make it a Leader, a Light, a Guidance, and aMercy for us. O Lord of the Worlds.”
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 19:06:19 +0000

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