70% of the trash thrown away. My goal is to be done by 4pm and on - TopicsExpress


70% of the trash thrown away. My goal is to be done by 4pm and on my way to catch the buses back. All I want to do tomorrow is get the cable boxes and the modem to return back to comcast and do the final walk thru with these people here so I can give them back their keys and be done. I enjoyed my apartment except when mgmnt decided that when Roxie was 7months they didnt want her here because she scared maintenance . All this time has passed and now you want to enforce. My thing is this... Why would maintenance be scared of my dog unless they cane into my apartment unannounced when she was out. Then you deserve to have the shyt scared out of you because shes doing her job. I just ask the Lord to please bless her and keep her good. Imma hustle and do what needs to be done for us to survive and get through this life together. I already know that the Lord will bless me with the job that will assist me in maintaining my needs and be able to save for other things, I know that the place thats right for she and I will be available to us at the right time, I feel this, I see this. I have to be patient and He will bless me 10fold. Ok, nice small break, time to keep to my schedule.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 19:55:31 +0000

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