70 or so kilometers from where I live is an interesting small town - TopicsExpress


70 or so kilometers from where I live is an interesting small town called Selters. The town is interessting because the german branch of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is situated here. All too often, some funny stuff happens in the town. Now, there is only one Barbery in the town. One day, while the barber was cutting a gentlemans hair, he asked him what he is doing for a living. I take care of all those in need, the man replied. I visit the older ones at their homes, but we also have a facility for the disabled too. We meet in our church every sunday where I held a sermon. I organize the collection of donations to send help for the hungry in the third world. Shortly, Im the priest of the catholic church here in the town. The barber was very much impressed. I would love to do something for a man of God like you who is doing so much for so many. he said. I cut your hair for free. A couple of hours later, the catholic priest was back at the barbers shop. He has brought a bottle of wine as a gift to the generous barber. The next day, the barber was cutting another gentlemans hair. He asked him what he is doing for a living. Ive devouted my life to serve the poor and take care of their material needs., replied the man. We have a rehabilitation center for the addicts and homeless. We send missionaries to foreign countries who preach the gospel and help the needy. Im the one organizing it all. In short, Im the paster of the protestant church in our town. The barber was very much impressed. I would love to do something for a man of God like you who is doing so much for so many. he said. I cut your hair for free. A couple of hours later, the pastor was back in the barbers shop. He has a 50 Euro check as a gift to the generous barber. The next day, while the barber was cutting another gentlemans hair, he asked him what he is doing for a living. Ive dedicated my life to serve Gods Organisation, by working at the printing facility here in the town., the man replied. We produce the Watchtower magazine and other bible based literature in numerous languages. We send them to many lands in the world. We do it in fulfillment of Mattew 24:14. We want to save peoples lives before the end of the world arrives. In short, Im a Jehovahs Witness and a bethel worker. The barber was very much impressed. I would love to do something for a man of God like you who is doing so much for so many. he said. I cut your hair for free. A couple of hours later, the bethel worker was back at the barbers shop. With seven bethel workers behind him.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 20:51:51 +0000

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