#72 I looked at him with my why are you laughing face, not that - TopicsExpress


#72 I looked at him with my why are you laughing face, not that he knew it but i was really confused. Noba wayehleka ntoni? Viwe: i see what Nkosi sees in you. Your a tough nut to crack :D . Your making me wonder how he got you cracked open, i mean to date you. Heee lomfana :o at Cracked open. Me: i love him tshini. I dont just crack nje, i know players from the distance when i see them dala ndazalwa. Viwe: yeah right.. Haha . #rollingHisEyes. We were now eating Lays from a bowl. Me: thanks for helping me nhe.. Viwe: it was a pleasure. Nkosi came to the kitchen, he stood behind me and held my waist. Nkosi: are you done mama? I nodded. Me: do you want chips? Zezaba pheki but your here ngoku. Nkosi abapheki? Haha Since when do you cook Viwe? Viwe: i cook , here and there mahn haha. Im glad Nkosi didnt show any signs of insecurity. Viwe: why do you call her mama anyway? Nkosi: thats between me and her. Me: ewe, ungakulinge undibize mama wena ndiyakhaba. Nkosis parents came sisahleli njalo, beziya ku6. Mandisa: molweni bantwana bam. Viwe went to hug her. Viwe: long time aunty :) Mandisa : yes yes its been a long time. Thobile: hows your dad kwedini? Viwe: his good. Me: when is dinner babe? #Whisphering Nkosi: 8. I was a little tired. Nkosi: iza. He pulled me from the chair and lead the way to the room. Nkosi: you look tired. I felt tired nyani, oko zandimile ngoku bendipheka. Now i knew what he meant by me resting. Me: i feel tired. I got into bed. Me: Viwe is not a bad person tata, he looks up to you qha but his going about it ngendlela ewrongo. Nkosi kept quiet and nodded. Nkosi: lala mama. He kissed my forehead and i fell asleep immediately. Someone shoocked me, i rubbed my eye while sitting up, Viwe was sitting ontop of the bed. I looked at myself, i was dressed, hmm ohk. Me: ufunani apha? #shocked. Viwe: i didnt do anything kuwe, my aunt sent for me to wake you up. Nkosi uyolanda ooAmanda. I nodded. Viwe: umhle naxa uvuka :o :o . Hai hai Viwe tshini.. Me: mxm.. Im sure your thrilled to see Amanda. I had to change the subject, quick. Viwe: hahaha sowukhona nalapho? Me: nawe moc your in my business, ndizoncama ndithini? Viwe: she was just a fling. Yhooor is that what you call us all :o ? Me: right, let me go shower, thanx for waking me up ke. Makahambe before he claims im his fling nam. Viwe : pleasure. He walked out. I got up taking a big towel and my toiletry bag. When i walked out, i dumped into Mandisa. Mandisa: ude wavuka :) :) , enkosi ngokwenza isalads nhe. Hope i didnt tire you. Me: nha , it wasnt much. Mandisa : hlamba ke, nam ndiyonxiba. I got in th bathroom , locked the door and showered. I got out, washed my face and brushed my teeth.. I went out the bathroom, went to the room with the towel wrapped around me. Nkosi was here, thank God. Andazi , i just felt relieved. He was dressing into a navy shoes, a navy chinos, a white shirt and blazer. Me: do i have to dress up? :( :( .. Mandisa walked in with a navy dress, ebiphela emadolweni, it showed no arms or cleavage ne platform enavy. Mandisa: i bought you this, while i was shopping, Nko said platform ke. Me: haha i can wear platform, but this dress :o :( .. Nkosi: itheni? Me and Mandisa: akukho Cleavage . We looked at each other and laughed :v :v , that was weird. Mandisa: nguNko, let me go migle with my guests. I nodded and she left. I loctioned my body ndanxiba and did the make up. Mhmm so oAmanda were already here. Nkosi: umhle mama. Me: umhle nawe Tata :D We kissed and went to the lounge. Ndavala owam umlomo, i didnt even greet. We sat at the table, it was a rectangle table. The first side was Mandisa and Thobile, second side Nkosi sat next to me, oppossite was Amanda and Viwe , the fourth side kukho uMama ka Amanda. Me: wheres Nikiwe? Mandisa: at a friends house., shes very fond of you, ba angabalapha soze urester like you should. Mhmm, ndabe ndibona she spoke the last part by mistake. Akatsiba umama ka Amanda. Amandas mum: rest from what? I was not gona answer anything from her. Mandisa: Debra uyazithanda izinto. Oh, inalo negama lento, i thought. Debra: you even keep secrets ntombi. Thobile: ever heard of a family matter sis. Cwaka. Mandisa: baby masothatha ukutya! Ndava ngoNkosi enditsweba, pointing at his mom. Me: huh? Mandisa: masambe sothatha ukutya. I got up ndamlandela, how was i too know xa ethi baby ubizamna. We took the salds sazibeka on the table, the i fetched meat, there was beef and chicken , Mandisa waza neJuice. We said grace and we ate. This was gonna be a long dinner.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 08:33:26 +0000

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