72 liberated peasant, from the landlord are waiting for your - TopicsExpress


72 liberated peasant, from the landlord are waiting for your assistance in shape of food, water and other necessity of life... The 72 bounded labourer, all are Hindu, by caste Kohli, who were in the wrongful confinement of cruel landlord of Umar Kot namely Zubair Sahito, were liberated by the Order dated 20th June-2014 passed by Honourable High Court of Sindh, Circuit Bench, Hyderabad, the Honourable Court also directed the S.H.O. Police Station Soofi Faqeer, District Umar Kot to do needful for return of snatched animals of the 72 bounded labourer, but from 20/06/2014 dto till date 11 days has been passed, but S.H.O. has failed to comply with the Order of learned apex Court. Now the 72 bounded labourers, including women and minor children are passing their lives at the Foot Path of Press Club, Hyderabad, in the scorching sunshine and heat of June and July, without any proper food and water. Saylani Welfare Trust was providing them lunch and dinner only for 8 days, but due to the start of month of Ramzan, they stoped to provide food, due to which 72 persons are in very critical condition for want of food and water, and if they were shifted from Press Club, Hyderabad to anywhere else, then they would be kidnapped by the cruel land lord Zubair Sahito. So it is appealed to all human rights organizations and activists, kindly arrange for food, water and other necessity of life for 72 liberated peasants...
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 13:10:37 +0000

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