73 Challenging Quotes by Pastor (Dr) W.F Kumuyi 1. The true - TopicsExpress


73 Challenging Quotes by Pastor (Dr) W.F Kumuyi 1. The true child of God is a peacemaker. He not only loves peace, wants peace, promotes peace, works for peace, prays for peace, he also does everything to maintain peace among people; he abhors completely all strives, discords and contentions. He hates war because it engenders killings and if there is anything he can do it is to make peace 2. The scriptures declare that the day of the Lord will be a period of judgment, desolation and darkness. It will be a time when God will arise and punish His enemies decisively 3. The work (of soulwinning) should not be left for pastors and other leaders in the church - everyone must be involved. Training and retraining should be given prominence in order to develop members into effective workers, to turn them from distressed, discontent men into mighty men. 4. True children of God are so different from sinners in heart, in spirit, in life or lifestyle, in character and characteristicsas the day is different from the night or as light is different from darkness 5. All the knowledge from all other books is only profitable till death; the knowledge received from the BIBLE is profitable in life, at death, after death, for all eternity. 6. When ministers and members graciously follow Gods revealed will for His family, there will be the realisation of Gods expectation for the Church 7. The blessed truth that gladdens the believers heart is the reassurance that he is saved and delivered from this eternal wrath, punishment, indignation, suffering and torment 8. Believers must desire and pursue holiness of heart and life, yield themselves to God, consecrate and submit to His will in sanctification,pray and believe with the expectancy of faith, then God will sanctify, purify and make them entirely holy 9. Having experienced the grace of God, you have a God-given responsibility to both live a godly lifestyle and preach the gospel to others so they also can be saved. 10. For a fast to be beneficial, it must be done in a spirit of reverence toward God, in which we acknowledge our dependence on God and worship Him as a covenant-keeping Redeemer. 11. Forgiveness of sin is man’s deepest need and God’s greatest gift. And the Lord has promised that if the sinner confesses and forsakes his sins and if by faith in the vicarious death of Christ he trusts in God for forgiveness, he will be forgiven and will be granted the privilege of sonship. 12. The fearful, faithless soul interprets every problem as the restraining of the Spirit. He sees a roaring lion in every path of duty. The faithful believer sees the open door of ministry in spite of many adversaries. 13. Believers who have the assurance of their salvation are the only hope in Christ for the sinners in the world. No matter what sinners possess: wealth, health, fame, position - their eternal loss will cancel all their earthly gain. 14. There is nothing like eternal or unconditional security. There exists the possibility of departing from the faith once delivered to the saints. There is nothing like being saved forever. You can fall from grace to grass if you are not careful. 15. We are invited to pray and God has promised to hear. Great things happen because of prayer. We are commanded to pray by the One who loves us, and reminded that we show Him our love by keeping His commandments 16. We build our Christian lives on shaky foundation when we depend on Church membership, religious duties, activities and Church ordinances like Infant baptism, Confirmation and the Lord’s Supper to usher us to Heaven. 17. Sanctification is the second but definite work of grace that enables us to be free from all internal struggles with sinful inclinations and natural depravity. It fills us with supreme love for God and for our fellow men. It makes us pure in heart. 18. Careless and carnal Christians will not be privileged to enjoy the blessings of the rapture and the coming of the Lord. Their sorrow and sufferings will be undescribeable 19. The early church was made up of witnessing christians who had the mind and the Spirit of Christ. They lived a life of practical holiness and purposeful witnessing. Soul-winning was not a special extra for just a few selected workers among them. Neither was it a week-end supplement, once a month. It was their central responsibility.They took soul-winning as an evidence of genuine salvation, as a common mark of being part of Christ’s flock. 20. The purpose of our living here on earth is to do the will of God. 21. Our emphasis in life must be on the most essential things: to be saved, live a life of holiness and be ready for the coming of the Lord. We are not to be pre-occupied with the momentary and transient things such as signs and wonders that many seek after today. 22. Hypocrites will be disappointed on the last day and be shut out, while true believers will be taken up to meet with the Lord in the air
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 05:55:29 +0000

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