73 sects among Muslim Which is correct Bismillahir - TopicsExpress


73 sects among Muslim Which is correct Bismillahir Rahmanirraheem, Unity among Muslim is a direct command of Allah. The Glorious Qur’an says: “And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves;”[Al-Qur’an 3:103] Just start a talk with a supporter/leader of any muslim group/ subgroup on these topics.(We are only talking about sunni muslim groups........ and we are talking in general. We acknowledge that in every group there are good people also they work only for islam and remain free from groupism mentality and love all muslims. We donot know anything about Shias etc and we are not discussing about them at all) 1.The problem of groupismand secterianism among muslims and its bad and confusing impact on general muslims. 2.The subject of unity or atleast to decrease the wave of hatredand jealousy among adherent of groups and school of thought As unity among Muslim is a direct command of Quran. The Glorious Qur’an says: “And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yours elves;”[Al-Qur’an 3:103] 3. Presenting a plan /do something for the unity among muslims. THEIR REPLY AND ANSWER The most common answer you will get in reply. They will tell ” there is hadith that ummat will be divided into 73 Sects, so what to do” Through this Hadith they will try to prove that 1.Whatever groups/groupism are there is a normal thing,and The blame game between muslims groups/ organizations that is happening on the name of islam is not abnormal. 2.This Hadith isalso used to mobilize the sentimentsof their supporter/adherents for their group/organisation and at the same time for criticizing and blaming other groups. 3.This group mentalityalso discourages others if someone tries to do for the unityor for the removal of hatred and jealousy between the supporters/flag bearers of different groups and organization. 4.If you will argue further they will give examples of Qadianis etc............ who are already out of the fold of Islam unanimously by all scholars. And will make you silent by saying do you want to make unity with them............(Nauzu billah we dont want with them But we want all those who are within the fold of Islam and call themselves as Ahle sunnat Wal Jamaat.) Although UNITY is Quranic Command There is no organized effort among muslims for bringing unity /decreasing the mistrust/hatred and jealousy among groups, the direct command of Allah. If you see the affairs of muslim groups and their leaders, No one is doing concrete for the unity among ummat e muslima, or even decreasing jealousy and hatred among muslim groups. They must be having in their heart this concern but they are not doing anything on the ground. Some sporadic/individual efforts are there but there is no organized or systemic effort for this cause. Let us analyse these issue in light of Quran & Ahadith. For understanding, we are dealing the issue under following subheadings. 1. Hadith of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam regarding 73 Sect. 2. The related Quranic Ayats and Ahadith on the topic. 3. The division into 73 is a prediction. 4. This division has not been liked by Quran and Sunnah and no way it is normal and to be tolerated. 5. The meaning of this hadith in relation to present day sects/groups and organization. AHADITH ON THE 73 SECTS 1) The Hadith referred is as follows:ورمب يرايسلا مساقلا نب مساق سابعلا وبأ انربخأرامع وبأ انثدح هجوملا وبأ انث :
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 09:23:36 +0000

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