74. The Book of Ar-Riqâq␣ of the 41amin (mankind, jinns and - TopicsExpress


74. The Book of Ar-Riqâq␣ of the 41amin (mankind, jinns and all that exists)? (V.83:4-6) 2124. Narrated Abü Huraira Allahs Messenger␣ .t-ut␣ said, The people will sweat so profusely on the Day of Resurrection that their sweat will sink seventy cubits deep into the earth, and it will rise up till it reaches the peoples mouths and ears. [8.539-O.B] CHAPTER 26. Al-Qiths (Retaliation) on the Day of Resurrection. 2125. Narrated Abdullâh e. ii␣ : The Prophet _.,␣ .iit . said, The cases which will be decided first (on the Day of Resurrection) will be the cases of blood shedding. [8:540-O.B] CHAPTER 27.The description of Paradise and the Fire. 2126. Narrated Ibn Umar Allahs Messenger .i__ said,When the people of Paradise have entered Paradise and the people of the Fire (Hell) have entered the Fire (Hell). Death will be brought and will be placed between the Fire (Hell) and the Paradise, and then it will be slaughtered, and a call will be made (that), 0 people of Paradise, no more death! and 0 people of the Fire (Hell), no more death!! So the people of Paradise will have happiness added to their (previous) happiness, and the people of the Fire (Hell) will have sorrow added to their (previous) sorrow. [8:556-O.B] 2127. Narrated Abü SaId Al-KhudrI Ut␣ : Allahs Messenger␣ Ut L. said,Allahwillsaytothepeopleof Paradise, 0 the people of Paradise! They will say, Labbaik, 0 our Lord, and Sa daik! Allah will say, Are you pleased? They will say, Why should I996 49 74.TheBookofAr-Riqâq␣ ig)i ␣ 1199711 we not be pleased since You have given us what You have not given to i- anyone of Your creations? Allah will say, I will give you something better than that. They will reply, 0 our Lord! And what is better than that? Allah will say, I will bestow My Pleasure and Contentment upon you so that I will never be angry with you after forever. [8:557-O.B] 2128. Narrated Abü Huraira u␣ : The Prophet i_␣ .,i... said, The width between the two shoulders of a Kâfir (disbeliever) will be equal to the distance covered by a fast rider in three days. [8:559(A)-O.B] 2129. Narrated Anas bin Mâlik 4th The Prophet␣ -u . said, Some people will come out of the Fire after they have received the burning touch of the Fire, changing their colour, and they will enter Paradise, and the people of Paradise will name them Al-JahannamiyIn [the (Hell) Fire people]. [8:564-O.B] 2130. Narrated An-Numân bin BashIr␣ : I heard the Prophet ,i. ui saying, The least punished person of the (Hell) Fire people, on the Day of Resurrection will be a man under whose arch of the feet two smouldering embers will bç placed, because of which his brain will boil just like Al-Mirjal (copper vessel) or a Qum-qum (narrow-necked vessel) is boiling with water. [8:567-O.B] 2131. Narrated Abü Huraira U The Prophet␣ -u L, said,None will enter Paradise but will be shown the place he would have occupied in the (Hell) Fire if he had rejected faith, so 3ti :3ti 74. The Book of Ar-Riqâq that he may be more thankful; and none will enter the (Hell) Fire but will be shown the place he would have occupied in Paradise if he had faith, so that, that may be a cause of sorrow for him. [8:573-O.B] CHAPTER 28. (What is said) regarding Al-Hau1 (the Tank) (the Prophets Tank - *Al-Kauthar). [And the Statement of Allah␣ :- We have granted you (0 Muhammad) Al-Kauthar, a river in Paradise. (V.108:1)1 2132. Narrated Abdullâh bin Amr The Prophet␣ said. My IIauçi is (so large that it takes) a months journey to cross it. Its water is whiter than milk, and its smell is nicer than musk (a kind of perfume), and its drinking cups are (as numerous) as the (number of) stars of the sky; and whoever drinks from it, will never be thirsty. [8:581-O.BJ 2133. Narrated Ibn Umar i•- The Prophet␣ .. said, In front of you there will be my IIau1 (Al-Kauthar) as large as the distance between Jarbâ and Adhruh (two towns in Sham). [8:579-O.B] 2134. Narrated Anas bin Mâlik The Allahs Messenger said, The width of my Haud (Al-Kauthar) is equal to the distance between Aila (a town in Sham) and Sand in Yemen and it has as many jugs-cups (on it) as are number of stars in the sky. [8:582-O.B] 2135. Narrated Abü Huraira u␣ : The Prophet␣ i , . said, While I was standing, a group (of my followers were brought close to me), and when I recognized them, a man (an angel) intervened between me and them, he 74.TheBookof Ar-Riqaq␣ tA —Vi 999I said (to them). Come along. I asked, Where? He said, To the (Hell) Fire, by Allah. I asked, What is wrong with them? He said They turned apostate as renegades after you left. Then behold! (Another) group (of my followers) were brought close to me, and when I recognized them, a man (an angel) intervened between me and them, he said (to them),Come along. I asked, Where? He said, To the (Hell) Fire, by Allah. I asked, What is wrong with them? He said, They turned apostate as renegades after you left. So I did not see anyone of them escaping except a few who were like camels without a shepherd. [8:58 7-O.B] 2136. Narrated Uâritha bin Wahboj 4 u : I heard the Prophet␣ .th narrating about the Haud (Al-Kauthar). He said, [The width of the Haug! (Al-Kauthar)] is equal to the distance between Al-MadIna and Sanâ. [8:591-O.B] 75. The Book of Al-Qadar (Divine Preordainment)␣ 75. THE BOOK OF AL-QADAR yi Qt.S -/O (DIVINE PREORDAINMENT) CHAPTER 1. (What is said regarding) The pen has become dry (i.e., after the writing has been completed), with Allahs Knowledge. 2137. Narrated Imrân bin Husain _th : A man said, 0 Allahs Messenger! Can the people of Paradise be known (differentiated) from the people of the Fire; The Prophet replied, Yes.The man said, Why do people (try to) do (good) deeds?The Prophet␣ -JJ said,Everyone will do the deeds for which he has been created to do or he will do those deeds which will be made easy for him to do. (i.e., everybody will find easy to do such deeds as will lead him to his destined place for which he has been created). [8:595-O.B] CHAPTER 2. And the Command of Allah is a decree determined. (V.33: 38). 2138. Narrated Hudhaifa␣ : The Prophet␣ once delivered a speech in front of us wherein he left nothing but mentioned (about) everything that would happen till the Hour. Some of us stored that in our minds and some forgot it. (After that speech I used to see events taking place (which had been referred to in that speech) but I had forgotten them (before their occurrence). Then I would recognize such events as a man recognizes another man who has been absent and then sees and recognizes him. [8.601-O.B] CHAPTER 3. Man makes a vow seeking something other than what has been pre
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 03:44:12 +0000

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