747 DAYS LEFT EPA Sneaks in “Costliest Regulations Ever” - TopicsExpress


747 DAYS LEFT EPA Sneaks in “Costliest Regulations Ever” While You Weren’t Looking.. Oh the wonderful world of DC in Wonderland. Full of people who endlessly regulate based upon something that isnt even a valid theory They produce nothing but debt and spending and the masses are left to clean up their trash. A major problem with government is incentives. While the private sector is rewarded for efficiently satisfying customers, the public sector bureaucrats are rewarded by loyalty to superiors, and amassing and centralizing power. In the Private sector bureaucracies also grow but there are pruning mechanisms – companies fail or sell off nonperforming units, etc. In the Public sector there are no pruning mechanisms. Every page, every sentence, every word of legislation and regulation is fertilizer that enables public sector bureaucrats to grow the bureaucracy and the power of the state. Public sector bureaucrats are in fact punished for efficiency and problem solving - they lose funding and therefore status and power. Consider for example: · Why is the cost of compliance (time wasted, litigation, record keeping, mal-investment, fraud, 100K+ IRS workforce, preparer fees, etc.) with our 70,000+ page Income Tax Code now exceeds half a trillion dollars a year? · Why, as the end of a fiscal year approaches, does every government bureaucracy rush to spend every remaining cent of funds? · What would happen to the Drug Enforcement Agency if the drug problem were “solved”? · Why is there a Bureau of Indian Affairs in the 21st century? · What has the Department of Energy accomplished re energy independence - the ethanol lunacy? · What has the Environmental Protection Agency accomplished other than insuring “dirty” jobs and processes move to such ecological wonderlands as China, India, Bangladesh, etc.? · Why is American education poorer but vastly more expensive today than before the creation of the Department of Education? · How does using the bureaucracy as a political weapon – e.g. IRS, EPA, OSHA, NSA, DoJ, etc. etc. etc. –inspire investment in business? No one is looking at how we incentivize these bass turds and certainly not at how we SHOULD incentivize them. The same applies to elected politicians.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 16:14:55 +0000

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