75% LOCAL CONTENT RULE TO BE ENFORCED, SAYS SUPA AS HE AND JONATHAN MOYO AIM FOR A GRIP ON MEDIA AND INFORMATION New deputy minister of Information Supa Mandiwanzira says the 75 percent local content on broadcasting stations will be enforced. He said it was important that local broadcasting stations implement the 75 percent local content policy in terms of the law. “The policy of 75 percent local content is going to be enhanced, not just on music, but on film and video production,” he said. “The United States do not play local content from Britain or Canada. They are very strict and adhere to local content and there is evidence that Zimbabweans want to hear and see themselves on local radio and television.” Mandiwanzira owns the new radio station, ZiFM. He has resigned as the CEO of the station to take up his new government post. On media laws, Mandiwanzira said legal provisions governing local media players compared well if not better to other countries. “There is nothing draconian about our laws,” he said. “They are comparable to other media laws elsewhere the world over. In fact, if you compare them with media laws elsewhere particularly in West Africa, our media laws are very flexible.” He also said it was part of the mandate and obligation of the information sector to implement the Zanu-PF election manifesto in the wake of the party’s resounding victory in the harmonised elections. Mandiwanzira was speaking in an interview after the ministry completed a two-day strategic retreat attended by heads of parastatals and State enterprises under the ministry. “We certainly expect that operations and performance of all parastatals must be aligned to the ethos of our national vision, to what our manifesto as Zanu-PF says,” he said. “To do the fundamental thing, that as outlined in our Constitution, one of which is to safeguard, defend, protect and promote the legacy of the liberation struggle,” said Mandiwanzira.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 08:30:09 +0000

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