75 Reasons Not to Vote for Dougie and Labour at the next General - TopicsExpress


75 Reasons Not to Vote for Dougie and Labour at the next General Elections Too many people in St. Kitts and Nevis appear not to have seen enough evidence that Prime Minister Dr. Denzil Douglas DOES NOT deserve re-election. And if the following 75 reasons don’t convince you that Dr. Douglas should be shown the door at our next General Elections, nothing will! War on crime? Eh heh, not so much! 1. In 1995, PM Douglas came into office pledging that his “number one priority” was the reduction of crime as this was giving St. Kitts and Nevis a bad name. Guess he just forgot! 2. Under his leadership, St. Kitts and Nevis have witnessed an unprecedented crime wave – increased murders, robberies, rapes and disappearances ... Lord, when will it end? He is our biggest borrower & spender ever! 3. Despite trying the Land-for-Debt Swap, Dougie has done little to dispell the myth that when it comes to over-spending, he is really, really good at it! 4. Who pays for all this big spending? You do, the Kittitian and Nevisian taxpayer and generations yet unborn. 5. He has put Simmonds and Parry to shame when it comes to borrowing. Our country is the second-most indebted country in the world. Why does this count against Dougie? Well, under his watch, the national debt has only grown exponentially worse – from $300 million in 1995 to $600 million in 2005 and $3 billion in 2012. 6. Currently, the average individual’s share of our National Debt is $85,866.39, and growing! Abuse of executive privilege 7. Whilst the people were demanding open transparency and a Freedom of Information Act and Integrity in Public Life Act, Dougie invoked executive privilege and kept government dealings shrouded in secrecy, even from his own Cabinet Ministers! This ensures that the records are not shown to anyone. 8. Dougie introduced the Interception of Communications Act in 2011 to permit the use of warrantless wiretapping on his political opponents. 9. For years, Dougie successfully blocked Integrity in Public Life Act proposed by members of the Opposition. 10. Dougie has prevented the tabling of a Motion of No Confidence in his administration for over 11 months. 11. Dougie relieved Mrs. Janine Harris-Lake from her position as Registrar of the High Court without any plausible explanation. 12. Dougie orchestrated the appointment of a lawyer who was serving as Secretary of the Constituency Boundaries Commission as new Registrar of the High Court! Interesting to say the least! 13. Dougie consistently gives “approval” to a number of foreign investors before projects are adequately reviewed by the Development Control and Planning Board. 14. Dougie cut off funding to the NIA after the CCM were legally elected to office by Nevisians. 15. Dougie fired Deputy PM Sam Condor as Minister of National Security whilst he was piloting a bill on “national security” through Parliament. 16. Dougie loaned Charlie Jong to the NRP Nevis Island Administration for thousands of dollars of additional taxpayers monies. 17. Dougie appointed Jonathan Randall Curshen as Honorary Consul for St. Kitts & Nevis in Costa Rica. He was recently arrested in New York on charges that he and an associate conspired to commit securities fraud in the states of Florida and New York. 18. Dougie appointed his “Baby Mama”, Ms. Alex Woodley, as Consul General for the St. Kitts and Nevis Consulate in Dubai, United Arab Emirates without the knowledge of his then Minister of Foreign Affairs. 19. Dougie established a new Ministry of Sustainable Development but does not allow the technocrats to do their work before he approves project with probable adverse impacts on our environment. 20. He tramples on our Constitution by implementing policies, passing laws and misinterpreting situations that are an affront to the Constitution simply because he cannot make good on his domestic agenda. 21. He shows scant regard for the plain text of the Constitution, and pretends to be ignorant of the reasoning for vesting MONC decision-making power in the Speaker, rather than a single man empowered like a bygone king or emperor. 22. Dougie is a friend to neither liberty, the rule of law nor a government limited by the Constitution. 23. He is eager to assume near dictatorial powers in the governance of St. Kitts. He has little regard for the Constitution or the recklessness of the precedents that hes setting. 24. He has neither respect for the Constitution nor a credible plan to close the budget deficit. 25. Dougie has refused to appoint the constitutionally-required Deputy Speaker and continues to conduct Parliament in defiance of the Constitution.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 03:45:30 +0000

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