75. THE ONLY BOOK OF TRUTH IS THE BIBLE AND NO OTHER BOOK CAN NOT BE EXPLANATORY IN RELATION TO IT 28.12.2014 God years, 23:35 Christ the King: My favorite little girl! Cutting in front of My power and Majesty wide open your sincere heart,that I might pour out on him in the fullness of His Grace. Thank you, My dear, for your faith and patience,thank you for the love to My Why the Holy Words. My dear baby,now the time is approaching and soon there will be a serious change. Humanity, as if in a fog covered a variety of passions and Hobbies, and few spend time as belongs to My students. Obsessed modern intellectual and spiritual activities, and they are indifferent to My existence,although convince yourself that it is precisely the search for the truth harden and accompany their intentions. My dear baby,how painful My Heart is in todays time,because all that you do for His rude children, all of which served to them, they oversaturated toss Me in the Face. They lost the Holy fear of God and have Me for nothing. Despising and trampling My Holy Word that is in the Bible, they are opposed to Me, looking each in his own way. Fanatical loyalty, adapted by the devil for My prodigal children, holds and captures their hearts. They become slaves of human intrigue and interpretations instead of resorting to my full poker.Hour, which was announced in My Bible - instructions.I in every corner of the world rebelled many prophets who are shouting My Name. Each of them at this time given a personal challenge to persevere in goodness, and seek their own corest.At this time, I gave the world many of His Grace, Mercy, Generosity,and Love, and Holy Ghost.But humanity continues to neglect My gifts to build his own earthly Kingdom in your world. My dear baby, youre so small and unobtrusive, like a needle in a haystack,but you should pay uvagu.I give thee great things, and concluding with you My new eternal Covenant with His faithful remnant, I blagoslovleniya those who are awake at this time, through My Word to you. A time when many voices are heard in pride as though knowing Me personally,and when all humanity is trying to prepare to get a hold of the new Kingdom promised to them not Me. Unfortunately, all this will not help the man,but deeper take her soul, pulling out her innocence of My hot hugs and taking her from Me. My dear baby,for you I wish to Voice My love and warning to My children and to help them in their request. Daughter,I ask My children to be courageous and long in your faith,do not be afraid and do not tremble before sent to all mankind tests,as I warned My children through His Holy Word. The only Book of Truth is the Bible and no other book can not be explanatory in relation to it,because God Is perfect Teacher, not requiring any of tolovana,because the Word was given to His children.He sows seeds, and in good soil, it will certainly grow. Your heart is the soil. Until it is ready to accept Me into your soul, can not take place noogo.I never violate His Word and not take away from man his own voli.Im not trying to attract forcibly and not zamanou in traps due to the intrigue. Human free will is hers,but in My Grace I touch the depths of the souls of My children, tenderly caring for their souls every day, regardless of the severity of sin. In each of My soul,which is under heaven, have the opportunity to see My presence in your way through all created by Me and to give Me the Glory that belongs to God. Every body that is under heaven, glorify Me with his life as the Creator and the devils preklonyaetsya in front of Me. My babe,I was very sad when I see how My children neglecting My Truth, searching for teachers and leaders, and dragging the other behind him on the bottom of hell through pride, resentment and lack of pity. Tell me, My dear daughter,am I a man? Did I not have compassion for Their children? Does a loving Father behaves like a tyrant?! No, My dear child. But loving Father long tolerate and nurture with love children, so they can be wise and not to fall on the way. I talked to My kids, My Truth, and those that My, you know what I told them! My Word, from which you cannot retreat,the Word from which even the devil did not dare to deviate,the Word that rose from nothing, after all, the Word of Truth contained in the Holy Bible. However, the Word that is served by the prophets, is only a reminder that God is Truly Alive and Cartouche over all. Or you was little miracles,signs and love that I give you? You do not love your own souls that are looking for another Savior?! My dear baby,I again remind you, I assure that My know Me and I know them,and they follow One Truth-the BIBLE is the Only Truth. Anyone who believes in the Son has Life!!! Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord and at the last moment, you will be saved!The new Testament, composed in My Blood-that was the Seal of the Living God,bonded and assured you salvation! My dear baby,you know how youve survived a few months about how at this time you should behave in order to please Me in his service. Not to be under condemnation with the world that has already been condemned by My death on the Cross. Therefore, I come to you,My dear child, explaining you everything you need, so that My children knew the Truth,because Ive experienced your soul to see that you love Me. Say, honey, you so that through you heard and the Church,because I tell you in the ear, preach on the voice,because from Me you put to say this Word to those that are in doubt. Leave the doubt and hope put on the Lord Jesus Christ your Savior, lest ye be consumed. This time is the time when the Lord deigned to all evil to good wrap for the salvation of Their children, so there is nothing evil will not go with children! But those of the God laughed, - have their own Court. Here are all the powers of hell and absolute evil thrown to the fact that sat proudly at the top of the temple (the Antichrist-Pope), finally began to reign over the world, proving to Me that his power forever in the world of humanity. Preparation to the fact that Satan will be recognized Slesinski the Owner. And from that moment on, I will smite the land of big cars. Everything that happened before this time, is nothing compared to what awaits those who betrayed Me voluntarily, serving the enemy of the Lord. Today the Pope is the Antichrist, the beast, whom heard the whole world,and its purpose is to capture the Universal Power over the souls of My children in all the Churches, where they are used to Me, and it will happen before your eyes. Through the spirit lepraria he sent in a tricky way of his prophets, that should confuse My children. Sometimes he plays the play, though he opposes these prophets,to get them the glory of the martyrs,because the beast is a cunning enemy of mankind and the wizard of lies and all sacrilege! The prophets foretold mainly about earthly events, political signs,having the information, which is owned by the masons, and therefore their prophecies easy to check on nonseminomas. All this is used against you to get you to make believe in a lie,and use your soul to the service of Satan. My dear children,I ask you as a good Father, come back to Me.Hto has nasojejunal you to seek refuge somewhere? There is no other explanation in My Bible, because I dont need it. The book that I hold in my Right hand - that is the Book of Life, which is inscribed My own children,that their confidence in Me showed his loyalty and withstood pressures in faith, not being reduced. I encourage everyone to open My Holy Bible, asking Me in obedience blessing to see things more clearly, to love the Lord and belongs to you. Fornication is believed millions of souls,because it used the trick of Satan of all time. Only one Truth Exists! While acting My Mercy on this Testament in My Blood, every one of you has the chance just to ask for forgiveness,confessing Me his grhe.I was the Creator of your souls, each of you separately. Do you could so easily believe that I would allow you to condemn each other in the depths of the soul,and then forgave bepam this sin?! No! Because every sin,and in particular the judgment will have a Fair Trial from Me. My little children,the time has come when you must learn to live, trust Me. Your Church betray Me, and you must be vigilant. The Church is the baptismal font of the soul, with My Secrets,but only when the priesthood is a devotee of Me - Jesus Christ,observing all rules and laws, in accordance with My Word. For My Church on earth, the time came when Satan entered into it and remove My Presence from the middle. But dont worry,because youll be guided only by My Holy Spirit and the Word. Tbint finally, My Church is - you! Remember My Holy Word?! Dont you see that I changed you to the tabernacle of the Holy spirit?! Dont worry, however, that you still believed in the lie that popolove you and made prisoners of another word does not come from Me. Be brave, to come and ask them to forgive you, and Ill do it. Im waiting for you! I am waiting for your prayers,your faith and openness, your hope, and hope,and most of all, I need your FILIAL love. My dear babe,man can receive nothing from himself, as she from heaven is not given! So dont worry about yourself, because your life will bear witness to Me. Because the little you, and from the small kind, and from the earth, what is the smallest in My Eyes and the biggest in my Heart. Not I said the testimony of the people that I and the Father are working tirelessly?You dont understand that a Will is that nothing that is Mine, is not lost?! Or not the Commandment of Love God gave all of salvation, and the Love was fulfilled on the Cross. Have the courage of all who love God, serve Him as God wants it,praising and glorifying God, being free and not slaves;for ye are the children of promise,seeds you Abraham. How can you believe, when the glory from one another take,but the glory that comes from God, not take you?! Did I not tell you that all will come to Me, that gives Me the Father; whoever comes to Me I will in no wise cast out?! How will you come to Me,if you follow the guide Word Why not have? Therefore, I call upon the children, to you, repent and ask My heavenly Father sent you to restore, for all the lost Satan, and now the last times. There was a Word to you, that God should listen to more people! For My death I have made you free, and you still love your yoke. Still your cargo suppresses Me,because you neglected My death that frees you. The Church that you build - yourself build,and not the Lord they serve,but to serve. If you would serve God, we would not be in the dark,because the children of God are children of Light. These streets are designed,and come among you to bring the Light! If you were the children of the Light, no one referred to you! All the same I called to the service of the true Lord God Almighty in the Holy Trinity, one and Indivisible, preaching the gospel of Salvation, and today you lapl and looking for useless features. Eyes and see not, ears have not heard!But My I know, and none of them harm is not responsible, and shall not come they, and death will not see,but in My Death pass into Eternal Life. So the Lord God gathered from your ground seeds, which was good to see this kind of love the Lord earnestly. And what I saw?! Satan is, even the Church!And the most high dwelleth not in temples made with hands lives,but the legend of the prophets: heavens Throne,and earth is the footstool for My Feet! Are you always the Holy Spirit opposes and pronunciations of the Word of God looking for?! Which of the prophets did you pursue?! The vessel selected My rejected and humiliated, and what honor I have created, you have neglected and out of her drink didnt want. And will drink the filth.... I told you, you are the Church and the Temple of the Holy spirit, and ye believe not. You pray, I Believe in one Holy Apostolic Church....., and dont fold It. Teachers see it and go for the human Sciences, and My Word is nothing for you. You judge each other for the betrayal of your heart: - he will be saved,and that no! Judge each other, and suggestions are,but the Court belongs to Me. You expect, not what you know, and say that God no one saw, and My Name of God, whom he had not seen, I dare to call them to curse the peoples of God?Or do not know that to sin against the main Commandment of Love? Because I do not see the face,but in every nation a pleasant for Me,who is afraid of Gods Holy fear, and who will has Mine. Everyone who believes in Me, receives the forgiveness of sins. Never said it was you,that polang many times disregard for the will of God,and mankind will cast fear and trembling before the Lord, and will be a great debauchery? And the one that came to be glorified among the fornicators and thieves and to enslave the world, capturing the power is nice from all the nobles of the world. Arrogant, and has a greasy tongue?!In white dressed in fine linen,in order to depict the Saint for those that die!Not said was that the spirit lepraria is all that is contrary to My Word?! Not Vaisnavas Im in My Word,that God Is Spirit,and that He gives to man, it is the fruit of the spirit? You materialsafety and all, flying away from one of fornication, were in another. The Holiday Bible in every home takes place in the mind and heart do not bear this people.... Because dont you take the grain that the Sower sows to have a good crop at harvest time. Heart heavy ground is dry and cracked. Fatty and sugary words your ears coaxed,as was required of you first for your time,and everyone knows that God is Love,but no one remembers the Fear of the Lord! Hittest as a cane,as I have commanded you one thing - a strong heart to keep God! Remember, My child, that all who are appointed to eternal life believed, and their sins washed by the Blood of My Sacrifice Holy they are saved. Moved domination over the human heart to Satan,who tried more than God,and they do not wish for harassment and patience to walk the narrow path to the Kingdom,but each seeks his own way. Now when asked what one must do to be saved?, I will again remind you - believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,and believe spacethese in My name you and all your house! I warned you in advance that will come the bad times, and times of suffering and trials do not shortened through the elected - would be called. Be sober and explore the Word, the way it is. Remember, the Churchs Me - your soul and family! The God who created the heavens and the earth and all that it fills, does not live in temples, hand lives and does not require service of human hands,as though something would need,because I give all: life and breath to all. Because all of you live and move and exist, even on the likeness of His creation. So do not think that God, - that is, that the Church has a certain similarity. Because I have the likeness of the human soul!Despite times of uncertainty, I say to you that hear Me, everywhere to repent, because for some time the Court. You, My child, do not be afraid to talk, and not movci.I vyasnyi My children the Truth that is given to you to take to battle with the serpent and his defeat by the Sword, that with sky predestinated to you! The Sword Of The Word Of God! I will protect you! The Church I have the Word and command you to watch yourself clean! As was intended! As is the Bishop, or the priesthood, the Word of God is not a sign of life, then the one - antichristic! He, like God, sinful man does-nepravomeren, and defile My Name!Let it be replaced in such a way that could Grace My saints to come together in prayer Hramov meeting. How not to be so,and not to guard the flock of God - death and decay will reap, and revenge most posvadjati on their human soul,and I Sitia for them! For the herd I own Blood bought!Therefore, let everyone watches give good results. I appeared, daughter, thee to make thee a servant,that you served to Me in a time of darkness,that you witnessed My Power and saw and Swee what I will reveal to you. If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But lets remember about faith! Faith that you will get is without a doubt. Because even though you are unworthy and sinful,but the Mercy of God - There is a higher Court! Did I not tell you that sweet water is not flowing from Salonta and, lest any man deceive you: - you have about the fruit first to judge?! And you Baal was called to My house and gave to devour the flock of My. You in the name of the devil in front of My Face in Cerkovnik the Ark become glorifying appointed to death, because the devil he is. You shudder, without having the power to master your helplessness, and justify sins, blanking soul. Silque them to purity, being themselves otoplenie in the mud of sin? What is your hope nades you?! You prayer good left and went bankrupt to cry, our father,because you have another father!Become vain and greedy, and to the Father you dont care! Here the elders and guard My Church, that it was not me! What communion hath Light with darkness? Whose Church? Looking for a good priest,one who is sober and earnest, who has eyes open and dont go for the nechest,and your life is ready to sacrifice for My herd, that I loved. Who has the spirit of Gods Grace and prolonged prayer. Whose I is not audible between people,but his zeal for God known human souls. I will not leave this conciliar unity and My Spirit never ceases to him. I will give wisdom to bring My sheep from captivity and save My flock from predators. Trust with the hope that soon,pereterpel a bit, have an inheritance incorruptible, in the sky, is pure and imperishable, and eternal. And so, believing in Me, Jesus Christ, will be saved by the Power of God until the time that the Glory of God in the clouds will appear! The seeds I sow as the Sower, the seeds of life (wheat) - the Holy gospel. And for salvation has no other grain, and it will sprout, that is, the tares sown by the enemy of mankind. Today I encourage you to set aside all hatred and hostility,and, like a newborn, ask spiritual milk so that you will consume, to grow in Gods Grace. For the time is near completion, and few will be saved. Start building as a Holy priesthood,to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to My Father in My Name. Teaches children and trivia on prayers in your houses, so that true and invincible Church of the Remnant was. Pray for each other,because it has to fit Gods Will,for it suggests that Christ Is among you. The Church, built by human hands as if the Glory of God that will not testify to the victory of the Lord, the salvation of souls and present the final power of the enemy, the Antichrist will be destroyed! So get out of her My people, lest you take part in disapproval of her. My children,pray and repent in the spirit, confess your sins before the Lord,the Word of the father (the Bible) as the soul take care of and forsake the commandments of the Lord. Spiritual Communion Ostanovite and you will not perish,for God Is Spirit, and all He knows and gives you salvation, about which no one knows but God Alone. So put your hope in God. And the Church of the good does not sandbulte,and to the priests, religious and the fact that in the Holy Fear of the Will of Mine, help and let these because they are for the weak,to the fishermen, throwing his time of famine(spiritual), to rejoice caught! Thank God that I found you Caress daughterplus and Mercy, and enlightens you with His Wisdom. The girl, firmly stand on the defensive shower! Bless you, My faithful soul! Your Lord and Only Savior Jesus Christ - king of the World and God Almighty!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 14:53:37 +0000

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