786/110 When Imam Ali (a.s) gave his last Azan and - TopicsExpress


786/110 When Imam Ali (a.s) gave his last Azan and Alhumdulillah his voice was heard throughout the kufa some people were sleeping in the mosque. And among them there was Ibn Muljim (la) was lying on his stomach so Imam said to him do not sleep on your stomach it is not nice the Shaitaan only with bad intension does sleep, so it will be nice if you sleep on your back or on your right side. Moula Imam Ali (a.s) approach him and ask him to wake as it is time for Fajr namaz and told him I am very well aware of your intentions that you are sleeping with the sword underneath you stomach. Imam Ali (as) left him and gathered some people to pray and Imam Ali (as) started to lead the Namaz-e- Fajar. Ibn Muljim also stood in the prayer along with other people hiding the sword in his cloak.As Moula Imam Ali (a.s) was in a state of prostration in a Sajda, Ibn Muljim (la) dealt a heavy stroke with his sword, inflicting a deep wound on Moula Imam Muskil Khusha (as) head.As our beloved Moula Ali (as) fell he said: Fuzto wa Rabbal Kaaba I have gained victory, by The Lord of the Kaaba. Our beloved Moula Haider-e- Karar Ali un Wali Allah had always prayed for martydom. He smiled. How could anyone find a better way to die? In sujood, before His Allah while fasting, in the Holy blessed month of Ramadan the month of Allah.The walls of masjid -e- Kufa shook a black wind blew people were running panicking screaming that Imam Moula Ali Murtaza had been martyared and said to Ibn Muljim O Ibn Muljim you have killed the best of people. Ibn Muljim (la) started to run away. No one was attending the prayers Imam Ali asked his son Imam Hassan Mujtaba (as) to lead the prayers. Ibn Muljim (la) was then caught and brought before our beloved Moula Muskil Khusha ( as) who was on the prayer carpet that was completly drench and soaked in blood. Imam Moula Ali (as) saw that the rope was too tight around his killer was piercing into his flesh Imam Ali (as) asked said you should not be so cruel with your fellow beings, loosen his ropes, dont you see that they are cutting his flesh and he his in agony..? Just notice here how Our Masloom Moula forgot his own agony, and requested that that Ibn Muljib (la) be treated humanely. Laanati Ibn Muljim touched by Moula (as) words he started to weep.Our Masloom Muskil Khusha (as) smiled at himand in a very faint voice said to him; It is too late to repent now, you have done your deed. Then our beloved Imam Sher-e- Khuda asked him; Was I a bad Imam or an unkind Ruler...? then Moula Imam Ali (as) expressly ordered no harshness should be shown towards his murder. He should not be tortured before his exceution, his body not be multilated, and members of his family should not be made to suffer on account of his crime, this was Imam Alis as justice was always tempered with mercy. Imam Ali (as) was taken home from the mosque by his two beloved sons Imam Hassan (as) and Imam Hussain (as), people gathered from all over and started to weep and followed Imam (as). As they came to Imam Ali (as) house, he kindly asked all people to leave.Moula Muskil Khusha knew that his daughters Zainab (sa) and Kulsum (sa) would be at the door. He did not wish for anyone to hear them cry, when he was taken inside Sayeda Zainab (sa) when she saw her Baba Jan she could not control herself, but then Imam Ali (as) said O my daughter give me a cloth dear to tie my head and pleade keep me on my mattress bed. At this essence of time all Imam Ali (as) 12 sons and 4 daughters were there near him by his bedside.... Ref:- Ali the MAGNIFICANT-pg-260, Sayeda Zehra Hussein
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 08:06:35 +0000

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