79,00 years ago, on a island near indonesia, what scientists know - TopicsExpress


79,00 years ago, on a island near indonesia, what scientists know as the Toba catastrophe, a supervolcano erupted clouded the world in a 10 year long winter. Sending the world onto a small ice age that virtually stopped evolution. But what scientists dont know, is that this was also the time when the last known phoenix came into existence. Only able to be born from a mixture of lava and earth at a place and time of destruction and creation, the phoenix was the same creature that gave humankind its first step into knowledge, fire. The phoenix born in the Toba lake catastrophe however was the most recent. Dawned with bright red and yellow feathers that seemed to shine brighter than the sun, and hotter than the core of the earth. Able to breath fire hotter and deadlier than dragons but more control than the demons of the underworlds. A wing span of a full thirty feet or larger, the mythical beast is truly a sight to behold and to burn in its presence. The Toba catastrophe phoenix is the last recorded birth of a phoenix. Well, a natural one anyway. Jump forwards several thousand years to a large dessert in the middle of arizona. The manhattan project is just about to test their new tool of mass destruction. The atom bomb, was first detonated on july 16th, 1945. scorching the earth and vaporizing anything in its path. Nothing but pure destruction and heat. Records indicate that at ground zero of the sight, stood a large black bird. Eyes blood red and black and red fire pouring out of its body, this was the first sighting of whats known as an interitus. Latin meaning destruction, removal, annihilation, extinction. It then flew away in the mushroom cloud, on a quest unknown until recently. Now every time an atomic weapon is tested or discharged. One of the Interitus is born and flies away in the wake of destruction, their mission, annihilate the phoenixes. The Interitus had powers that no one could dream of. They could not only use fire in the same way that your normal fire user could, but they were more powerful and could master more than fire. Proof exists in one record from the Russian Supernatural Investigation Bureau, shows photos from several sources that they could also use ice, water, and even move earth and in one case breath lightning. Now normal myth says that a phoenix cant be killed, its limp lifeless body just turns to ash then is reborn from the ashes. But the Interitus have found a way around that, by freezing the bodies of the phoenix then plunging the frozen body into the ocean where it will remain for eternity. Laying frozen in the dark depths of the ocean. So far, the Interitus have succeeded in this plan of destruction, virtually killing every phoenix in existence. But one still remained. A group of fire mages in a silent act of resistance against the Interitus, hid away the one born the the Toba eruption for some years. Debating and conversing on how to stop them and save the last phoenix alive. After many arguments, threats of panic, and sheer stubbornness, the fire mages decided to trap the phoenix into human form. This however would wipe her memories and powers, but the Interitus wouldn’t sense her presence. The plan was to turn her into a human until further action could be made. There was another price as well, the spell would have to sacrifice the the majority of the council, and the fire mage order. After agreeing that it was the right thing to do, they set one elderly mage aside to take her into his care after the ritual was finished. The ritual began, the courtyard of a show arena being used as a platform to place the phoenix on, every mage surrounding the creature. Giving their own life force in order to save the one creature humanity felt indebted to help. Then the betrayal, the one elder mage set aside turned rogue and told the plan to the leader of the Interitus. When the ritual was almost complete the when Interitus raided the mage hideout, stopping the ritual from being completed. While the most of the mages held back the invasion, two mages fled, carrying the phoenix that was now in human form. Escaping the compound alive. The mages names were named Toran and Kina, now hiding in a forest not knowing what to do. They knew that if the last part of the ritual was not done, the phoenix would die in the shell of a body. Kina and Toran where two female fire mages in the order, but the thing they keep secret was the love they had for each other. Being caught many a time in each others living spaces attempting to break chastity with each other. Now, with the order dead, it was up to them to finish the ritual. But this would have to cost one of their lives. After much discussion, Kina decided to be the one to sacrifice herself to save the phoenix, saying it was the only way. Much to the dismay of Toran who couldnt make herself watch as they resumed the ritual that everyone started. A full twelve hours later, the ritual was complete. The mage Kina laying in the crying arms of Toran, the life leaving her eyes each second. After watching her lover pass into the next phase of existence Toran looked at the bare human body of the phoenix. She decided to give the phoenix a name, placing her hand on the stomach of the body speaking a spell. Not of fire, but placing only one thing in the womans mind. The name Kina. Then taking the body of her now passed lover and walking away, hoping that someone who would care for the girl would come. After disappearing into the forest, no one has any records of the last mage of fire. Only a few photos of a woman in pitch black hair with a shoulder tattoo of the orders mark. An hour later, the phoenix woke to silence, the starry night above her, the soft wind blowing around the open field. The interruption of the main ritual left only one thing out of the plan. The human body could use the full power of her past form. Able to control the blue fire of creation, the orange fire of knowledge, the yellow fire of destruction, and the red Fire of Warmth. Lifting her hand up, slowly learning how to move her arms, trying to think of how she got to this weird place and what exactly she was doing there. All she could find in her mind was a single word, Fenice.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:26:35 +0000

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