7th DAY OF THE PASSOVER The seventh day of the Passover is - TopicsExpress


7th DAY OF THE PASSOVER The seventh day of the Passover is viewed as the day of Victory!! See Daniel 11:40 and following: ובעת קץ יתנגח עמו מלך הנגב וישתער עליו מלך הצפון ברכב ובפרשים ובאניות רבות ובא בארצות ושטף ועבר - “And at the time of the end there will be a collision with him (Antichrist) by the King of the South and the King of the North (possibly Turkey/Syria...will storm [his defenses] with chariots and horsemen and many ocean-going vessels and he will sweep through and pass on”. – ויטע אהלי אפדנו בין ימים להר צבי קודש ובא עד קצו ואין עוזר לו - “And he (Antichrist) will pitch his Royal tents between the seas and the mount of the Sacred Beauty [a synonym for the land of Israel] and he will come to his End (and then possible resurrection by HaSatan), and there is no one to help him”. 12:1 – ובעת ההיא יעמוד מיכאל השר הגדול העמד על בני עמך והיתה עת צרה אשר לא נהיתה מהיות גוי עד העת ההיא ובעת ההיא ימלט עמך כל הנמצא כתוב בספר - And at that time, the Great Archangel Michael [the traditional Guardian Angel of the Jews], who guards over Your people, will arise and there will be a time of troubles (Yacovs Troubles) such as never before since becoming a nation until then, and at that time, Your people will escape – all those found to be written in the book. This then begins the last week of Daniel knows as Yakov’s Trouble)… As it states in Michah 7:15 כימי צאתך מארץ מצרים אראנו נפלאות kimei tzeitcha mei-eretz Mitzrayim arenu niflaot – I will show you miraculous events (at the Final Redemption) as in the days of the Exodus. and as you read on you will see that it was on the 7th day of Passover that Lord brought victory. Historically speaking; here are some MAJOR reasons to watch: (April, Friday 13th): 1. The Lord wipes out the world with water in Noahs day. Noah and his family preserved. Genesis 6:6-7 - TC, AC !! 2. Jacob left Laban’s home to return to Israel. Genesis 31:17, Book of Jubilees. 3. Pharaoh’s decree against Israelite male infants was canceled. Sotah 12b 4. Moses is set adrift in an ark on the Nile river. Sotah 12b 5. Moses departed from Midyan to redeem Israel from Egypt. Eliyahu Kitov 6. Israelites camp at the tower, towards the mouth of the gorges, opposite the hidden destroyer. Exodus 33:7 7. Moses tells the Israelites to see Yeshua HaShem. Exodus 14:13 8. Israelites are baptized in the Red sea. Exodus 14:26-29 9. God refines Israel with fire, destroying the outskirts. Numbers 11:1-3, TC 10. Joshua and the Israelites march around Jericho – day 7 !! Joshua 6:1ff 11. Deborah holds court to decide disputes of the Israelites. Judges 4:4-5, TC 12. David sings a song to the Lord. 2 Samuel 22, AC [7] 13. Peter is freed by an angel. Act 12:3-10 14. Disciples were gathered together for prayer. Acts 12:3-12 15. Peter is released from prison by an angel. Acts 12:3-12 16. Herod searches for Peter, cross examines guards, executes guards, and travels from Judea to Caesarea. Acts 12:18-19 17. This is the day God will destroy the wicked and baptize the righteous with fire. Matthew 3:11, 2 Peter 3:3-16, TC !!! 13. Solemn Assembly required on this last day of the Hag ha-Matza (Unleavened Bread). Deuteronomy 16:8 The interesting thing about this is that there is exactly 2550 days from 13th April 2012 and 6th April 2019 (1 Nisan - Biblical New Year: aka the last day of 5779 Biblical Year – see note later on)..... Or rather – 1260 days later just happens to be Yom Kippur 2015. And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth (Revelation 11:3). The women fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1260 days (Revelation 12:6). And then then after the last 1290 days comes the end of the Biblical year for 2018 (though the calendar year finishes on 10th September, 2018 the Biblical year of 5778 finishes on 5th April 2019. From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1290 days (Daniel 12:11). A lot must occur first before the 7th day of Passover but it may only take days: First is the Psalms 83 War: (Syria/Iraq find association through Assyria, Hezbollah via Tyre in Lebanon, and Hamas hailing from Gaza connects with Philistia - NO mention of Iranians by their three primary historical names, Elamites, Medes, or Persians) Some scholars have suggested it is during the Psalms 83 war that Jeremiah 49 and Isaiah 17 (Elam is ruined and Damascus is destroyed) occur.. And then the Ezekiel 38 (which includes Persia, Russia etc) war occurs as revenge... Summary: It appears that the Arab confederacy attacks Israel in Psalms 38 first and one of the results is that Elam (lower half of modern Iran that contains a nuclear site) is wiped out and people are scattered and Damascus is destroyed- leaving only the northern part of Iran (Persia) to regather its strength with Russia for a reprisal attack in Ezekiel 38... AND THEN: 12th April, 2012l – GONE just before it all starts (if you believe in pre-trib) 1260 days 23.9.2015 (Yom Kippur) and last blood moon 3 days late on Sukkot… 1290 days later 5.04.19 – last Biblical day of the year 2018/5778 (though calendar turns 5779 on 10th Sept, 2018) Thats a LOT of reasons to stay watchful and prayerful !! Shalom Chaverim
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 18:48:52 +0000

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