7th District Congressional race FROM THE BRAT CAMPAIGN Brat - TopicsExpress


7th District Congressional race FROM THE BRAT CAMPAIGN Brat shows Trammell’s duplicity in debate - Trammell says he’s against higher taxes and more regulations, yet continues to defend those the Democrats have already imposed - Ashland (Oct. 28) – Dave Brat used his debate against Randolph-Macon colleague Jack Trammell Tuesday night to debunk many of Trammell’s previous claims that he is in favor of lower taxes and fewer federal regulations, using Trammell’s continued support of ObamaCare and the new taxes and regulations contained within it. Brat tied Trammell to ObamaCare’s increasing insurance costs (a 24% increase this year in premiums due to ObamaCare costs alone for individual plans. Source: Forbes); the $163 million in new federal taxes on Virginians in 2014 (source: American Action Forum using Census Bureau data); and the loss of health insurance plans for 250,000 Virginians this November because of the law’s new regulations on policies (source: Richmond Times-Dispatch). Brat says he wants to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with free-market solutions to lower costs, like tax breaks and allowing people to buy more affordable policies across state lines. Trammell defends the law and has said he wants to expand it through state Medicaid expansion and tax credits for businesses to buy policies to cover their employees. Other topics in the debate included illegal immigration, energy, preserving Social Security and Medicare, sending ground forces to Syria and Iraq, and the government’s response to Ebola. The two debated in the race for Congress in Virginia’s Seventh District at their mutual employer, Randolph-Macon College. Brat’s opening remarks: Id like to thank Randolph-Macon for hosting this event tonight, and for hiring me 18 years ago to teach the greatest students and friends one could have. Im running for Congress because Washington is BROKEN. Obamacare is raising insurance costs and lowering the quality of care. 250,000 Virginians will lose their health insurance next month because of Obamacare. $1.7 trillion in excessive regulations are crushing our economy and our job creators. Illegal immigration on our southern border has not only caused a humanitarian crisis, but the porous border has now become a national security threat because of ISIS. The retirement programs that we promised to our seniors will be bankrupt in less than 20 years if we don’t work to preserve and protect them. And Ive taught economics here for 18 years.... and I’ve never seen an economy where 40% of college graduates can’t find jobs in their chosen fields. I believe we need to send an economist to Washington to fix this economy and to restore confidence in basic American institutions for you and for future generations. President Obama said very clearly that his policies are on the ballot in this election, and he’s right. There’s a clear choice. You can vote for someone who supports Obama’s policies, like Jack does, or you can vote for someone who knows from hundreds of years of economic history that top-down, centralized government planning fails every time it’s tried. I want to go to Congress to restore America’s free market system to restore our economy and spur job creation. And I want to be a check against President Obama’s destructive agenda. I’m running because I believe in America, I believe that we can make tomorrow better than yesterday, and I believe that we can renew the great promise of the American Dream for every American. That’s why I’m honored to be standing here tonight and Id be honored to have your vote this coming Tuesday.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 18:46:49 +0000

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