7th July 2014 South Australia, Australia Katie Hall Liz Shelley - TopicsExpress


7th July 2014 South Australia, Australia Katie Hall Liz Shelley Chris Cottam, Jason Christopher Lesley Pfeiffer Geoengineering in Our skies Geoengineering/Chemclouds/Chemtrails Are BIO WARFARE/CHEMICAL WARFARE! sprayed by planes made by chemists in labs an sprayed over us like bugs they are meant for a slow kill, wonder why you cant get better from those illnesss that plague us it effects our whole body from our lungs eyes, sinus, heart, skin, nervous system, brain, an more Geoengineering is TOXIC POISON!!! Chemtrail Truth. What you breath, why people have weird illnesses and why the Government and Military denies, everything. Ethlyne Dibromide is being add to jet fuel. Now EDB is a known human chemical carcinogen that was removed from unleaded gas because of its cancer causing effects. Now suddenly it has appeared in the jet fuel that apparently high- altitude military aircraft are emitting. When you examine who owns the fuel, who are the fuel company directors, suddenly you enter into the realm of the Rockerfeller family, the Royal families, Standard Oil and British Petroleum. And what are their other agendas?.... documents show that historically, they have funded eugenics, genocide, depopulation, family planning. The fungus in the chemtrail is working together and the antibiotics to make people sick it is BIOLOGICAL CHEMICAL WARFARE. Symptoms of CHRNIC INHALED BARIUM POISONING are...Barium carbonate (BaCO4) is RAT POISON!! This works by interfering with the sodium potassium pump causing paralysis of the muscles, including the HEART MUSCLES and RESPITORY MUSCLES, CAUSING DEATH. Chronic exposure to this dangerous toxin presents significant dose related health risks including DEATH. Our PETS an other animals are also at risk SYMPTOMS OF BARIUM POISONING... Do You have any of these symptoms if so its effecting you now!! it started to effect me 3 yrs ago I have many of the Barium poisoning symptoms. The symptoms Areas follows... Unexplained profuse sweating, HBP, incontinence, dry mouth, clumsiness,lethargy, generalized weakness ranging from mild to quadrapliga, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, numb tingling feeling around mouth, SUPPRESSED IMMUNITY, muscular twitching/spasms, lung inflammation, upper bronchial irritation, corneal opacity, blindness, pulmonary edema, dry cough, shortness of breath and death. BARIUM SHUTS DOWN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. WE MAY HAVE FIRST UNDERSTANDING OF THE PURPOSE OF CHEMTRAIL SPRAYING, IE TO DIRRECTLY IMPACT THE t-CELL SYSTEMS OF THE HUMANS BENEATH THE CHEMTRAIL TARGETS THATS ALL OF US!!! barium will turn off the bodys T-cells. T-cells are important part of the bodys immune system... in short summary, Barium can shut down your immune system. PULMONARY FIBROSIS AND EXPOSURE TO ALUMINIUM PARTICULATES pulmonary disease attributed to RESPIRABLE ALLUMINIUM PARTICULATES can cause severe respiratory compromise and irreversible pulmonary fibrosis from [inhaled] aluminium [particulate] exposure!! NANO PARTICULATES IN YOUR BRAIN Nanoparticulates in the brain tiny lumps of matter can travel to the brain after being inhaled CELL BASED NANO MACHINES INFILTRATE PEOPLE? Nanoparticulates are 80,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. Airborne nano-particulates... are already known to entre the lungs having an asbestos like effect on the lung tissue, environmental exposure, nanoparticles delivered into the lungs crossed the barrier and entered the liver, brain, & other organs. Dumping tons of particulate matter from aircraft has geo-engineering our planetary atmosphere into highly charged, electrically- conductive plasma. The air we breathe is laden with asbestos-sized synthetic fibres and toxic metals, including barium salts, aluminium, and reportedly, radio active thorium. These materials act as electrolytes to enhance conductivity of military radar radio waves. Poisonous on par with arsenic and a proven suppressant of the human immune system, atmospheric barium weakens human muscles, including those of the heart. Inhaled aluminium goes directly to the brain and medical specialists confirm that it causes oxidative stress within the brain tissue, leading to formation of Alzheimers like neurofibrillary tangles. Radioactive thorium is known to cause leukemia and other cancers... GEOENGINEERING IS A ACT OF TREASON IN AUSTRALIA-> UNDER SECTION 44 OF THE AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION OF 1901 SPRAYING CHEMICALS INTO THE ATMOSPHERE LIKE GEOENGINEERING IA DOING NOW IS A ACT OF TREASON..... please share so others know
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 05:06:51 +0000

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