8/10/14 Today, I had the honor of subbing for Lavon in teaching - TopicsExpress


8/10/14 Today, I had the honor of subbing for Lavon in teaching Lessons 15 and 16: Eternal Marriage and Bringing Up Children in Light and Truth. The entire lesson revolved around the following recipe found on sugardoodle.net. (Written by Laura Richins adapted from the Sunday School Manual for the 12-13 year olds Presidents of the Church issue.) RECIPE FOR A HAPPY FAMILY Crush Temptations and Sin and set them aside outside the bowl. Blend in one Temple Marriage: One woman and one man who love each other dearly. Gradually add Children. Quickly stir in Living the Gospel: Scripture Study, Prayer, and Meeting Attendance. Sprinkle liberally with Courtesy and Communication. Garnish with the Word of Wisdom: Exercise, Proper Diet, and Rest. Pour Love over everything. Bake under the rays of the SON. Serve with Unselfishness. Recently I was able to attend the temple three times in two weeks. Each time I went, I had a fervent prayer in my heart: How can I strengthen my marriage and unify our family? Surprisingly, as many answers as I received in the walls of the temple, the real answers came as I prepared for this lesson! I would like to share some of the quotes that helped me as we added the ingredients to our bowl. Crush Temptations and Sin and set them aside outside the bowl. Blend in one Temple Marriage: One woman and one man who love each other dearly. p.194 “Celestial marriage is the crowning ordinance of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” p.200 “If a man and his wife were earnestly and faithfully observing all the ordinances of the gospel, there could not arise any cause for divorce.” Gradually add Children. Quickly stir in Living the Gospel: Scripture Study, Prayer, and Meeting Attendance. Parents should: 1. Set a righteous example p.209 It is impossible for you to be an example of what you are not. 2. Begin teaching children when they are young D&C 93:40 But I have commanded you to bring up your children in light and truth.” p.210 Begin teaching by the cradle side… 3. Teach children to pray 4. Introduce children to the scriptures p.205 He taught us at the breakfast table… 5. Hold family home evening p.211 “Parents who ignore the great help of this program [family home evening] are gambling with the future of their children.” 6. Teach virtue, chastity, and morality 7. Prepare children to be witnesses of the truth and to serve missions 8. Help children prepare to have eternal families of their own How can grandparents help bring up children in light and truth? Sprinkle liberally with Courtesy and Communication. Strangling your husband is not an option! Be a fun wife! Garnish with the Word of Wisdom: Exercise, Proper Diet, and Rest. Pour Love over everything. p.200 As husband and wife faithfully observe the gospel together, their joy and happiness in marriage “grow sweeter”. What can a person do to make their marriage sweeter? Bake under the rays of the SON. Serve with Unselfishness. The end result was a our family picture of us being a bit on the goofy side;) The comments throughout the lesson were wonderful. Janet shared her gratitude for her mom’s influence in her grandchildren’s life. We talked about setting example, sharing in family traditions, and talking openly with our kids and grandkids about the Gospel. While talking about marriage, Lynn commented that if you want to make your marriage sweeter….serve each other! We talked about putting fun back into our family relationships because afterall, “Adam fell that men might be and men are that they might have joy!”
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 22:25:44 +0000

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