8.12.2014. Good Morning.My dear Respected Friends, My humble - TopicsExpress


8.12.2014. Good Morning.My dear Respected Friends, My humble request to read this post and many of the friends have given a two line messages very nice and thank all. but great yogi sri Aurobindo has written lot of books is it possible to read in our life times? No. I don’t think so . if any one read great and blessed person of the universe. How Bhagawan had had his hardwork in his part ? let them read the post when you have time . With my love and respects to all friends . A CALL FROM PONDICHERRY -1 DR. PRABHAT SANYAL ON the evening of the 29th November 1950, as I was resting after a heavy day, a servant brought me a telegram which read: FLY—URGENT—MOTHER. Never could I have imagined the amount of meaning there was in those few words. Then it came to me—Is Sri Aurobindo ill?—Why otherwise would the Mother send such a telegram? Other thoughts crept into my mind and I could not decide how best to equip myself for the errand. The next morning, 3oth November, I flew to Madras, only to find that the next train for Pondicherry did not leave until 9-50 p.m., and so I would reach my destination by 7-a.m. the next morning. It was a torment to think that after traveling 1000 miles in 5 hours it was now to take me twenty hours to cover 100 miles. I looked at the telegram—read it once again—No! I could not waste time, so I hired a car. It took me an hour to obtain a permit from the Police authorities, who looked me over thoroughly, trying to decide whether I was a smuggler or some thirsty drinker wanting a joy ride to French India. They finally decided however that I could go. The driver being assured of extras, my car literally flew along the roads to Pondicherry having only to stop twice at the inefficient and rude customs barriers—and by six in the evening I was at the Mothers feet in the Ashram playground. As usual She greeted me with her heavenly smile, saying She had expected me that very evening. She then told me of Sri Aurobindos illness and asked me to examine Him; She added that She would be coming to his room after the programme was over in the playground. On the way Dr. Nirod of the Ashram and my young colleague Dr. Satya Sen acquainted me with the history and present condition of the Master. Softly but quickly I ascended the stairs and entered the room. There I looked on the Master, my divine patient, semi-recumbent on His bed, seemingly unconcerned, eyes closed, like a statue of massive peace. I approached the bed, knelt by His side and made my pranams at His feet. Champaklal called : Look, Master, who has come . There was a quiver on His face; heavy eyelids opened a little—then all was still again. But again Champakial called: Master, see, Sanyal has come. This time He opened His eyes fully, looked at me and smiled—Oh such a smile, serene and beautiful, it carried one to ecstasy, lighting the innermost corners of the heart. He placed His hand on my head and lovingly patted it a few times—all thoughts vanished, it seemed my heart had stopped. I was overpowered with a mighty peace and calm. He had closed His eyes—except for His respiration all was still and a great silence reigned. Then Champaklal whispered delightedly, He has given you a Darshan Smile and Blessing.—It was a blessing no words could describe; only one who has seen it and known it in his heart could appre­ciate what it meant, it for it was an experience of the soul. I waited for the opportunity to become the doctor. I asked Him what the trouble was and whether I could give Him any relief. I put to Him the regular professional questions, perhaps then forgetting that my patient was the Divine housed in a mortal frame, and He answered: Trouble? Nothing troubles me —and suffering! one can be above it. I mentioned the urinary difficulties. Well, yes, He answered, I had some difficulties but they have been relieved, and now I do not feel anything. Again there was silence. We retired to the next room and I had a consultation with Nirod and Satya. His urine analysis report had arrived, showing slight albumen and sugar, specific gravity a little above normal. The Mother now entered the room and stood in silence near the foot of the bed and watched Sri Aurobindo. Soon She called me out into the next room where I explained the position to Her, that He was suffering from a mild kidney infection—otherwise there was nothing very serious as far as could be judged from the urine report. We thought that, Deo volente, continuous drainage would suffice and antibiotics would gradually improve the rest. The following morning, 1st December, was very encouraging; our Lord was absolutely alert and responsive and His temperature was normal. After His sponging He took His simple breakfast and even cracked jokes with us. I was giving Him a scalp massage and enquired if He was liking it or not. He remarked: I know you went to England for your Fellowship but where did you learn massaging? I suggested that we would like to have His blood exa­mined for a detailed bio-chemical examination, to which He smiled and retorted: You doctors can think only in terms of diseases and medicines, but always there is much more effectual knowledge beyond and above it. I do not need anything. All of us were very happy by this most remarkable improvement and the day passed on. searchforlight.org/lotusgroove/sadhaks/aCallfromPondicherry.htm
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 01:33:31 +0000

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