8-18-14 ~ Im so excited! 24 hrs from now I will be sitting in - TopicsExpress


8-18-14 ~ Im so excited! 24 hrs from now I will be sitting in class to refresh my Reiki certification. Its been a long time coming. I was attuned to level 1 & 2 in 2004 shortly after my mom died. I learned about energy medicine when I went to school for holistic nutrition a few years before and was immediately attracted to it. When I lost my mom, I needed to connect to something bigger than myself, and I was guided to Reiki. The night before my first class, I cut my foot and had to get stiches. I didnt want to reschedule so I went to 2 full days of class while my foot throbbed in pain. The instructor and the class all worked on healing it, but the pain was still so distracting. A lot of amazing things happened that weekend but I never felt totally in tune with my spiritual self... something I so desperately wanted. Looking back, I believe that I just wasnt ready to fully commit. Through the years, Ive grown, both spiritually and emotionally. Ive learned valuable lessons about life and relationships. Ive learned how to navigate through the rough times without losing control. Ive learned to cherish the good times because we never know whats around the corner. Ive learned to never say never. Ive learned that desperation drains the soul. Ive learned that life is tough but my spirit is a lot stronger than I ever gave it credit for. And that was all before cancer! Since this diagnosis, Ive learned even more about myself and other people. I value my spiritual self and believe that anyone can get through anything if we only believe in ourselves. I have a lot of knowledge in this head of mine... but it means nothing without self confidence and self love. I believe that getting sick was meant to be a turning point in my life. I believe that I can live a long & happy life if I dig deep, deeper than I ever have, and live the life I was meant to. That means following my dreams, my desires, and even my fears. Stepping outside the box can be scary but staying stuck is even more scary. I try to live in the moment, with a positive outlook on the future... at the same time, I keep my expectations low because of the huge disappointments Ive had to endure. Its self preservation... but its ego driven. If you know anything about spirituality, you know there is no place for ego when youre trying to live in the light. So move over ego... its time to get out of the darkness and live free........ Wow... that was weird! I think I just figured out what you meant Nicole! I honestly dont know where those words came from. My fingers just typed them! Nicole, my friend, my pink sister, my angel, came to me in a Reiki meditation and told me to live free. I was confused as to what that meant until right this minute! And omg!... the number 444 came to me today and when I looked it up it said the angels are by your side... they are sending you messages... be mindful and watch for them... they will come to you in a form you understand. Holy shit.... I think we all just witnessed divine intervention!!! Ok... thats enough for me. Im overwhelmed with emotion so I think Ill stop there and embrace this feeling ♡ ~ xoxo
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 23:30:06 +0000

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