8/19/13 – Episode Recap: Katie is pleading with Bill for another - TopicsExpress


8/19/13 – Episode Recap: Katie is pleading with Bill for another chance. She tells Bill she doesn’t want to shut him out – she thinks they can get back what they had. Hope and Liam at the beach house. They talk about Katie a little. Hope brings up that Katie is determined to reconcile with Bill. Liam wants to know what she thinks the odds are of that happening. Hope says she doesn’t know but, wants her to work thru this and that she’s not going to give up. At Quinn’s warehouse, in the apartment – Quinn walks around looking at Wyatt’s things. Wyatt walks in and she says – Wyatt you came back – I knew you would and goes to hug him. She tells him she’s missed him but, now he’s back. He tells her he’s not staying. He’s there to pick up a few things and he’s going back. Quinn says she doesn’t accept this and Wyatt says – they’re his family and she says – she is his family. Quinn wants to talk about it and get it out and Wyatt agrees. They argue about Bill and Wyatt says it was his choice to know about Bill and she was wrong and if she can’t see that – he doesn’t know where they can go from there. Bill says Katie threw him another curve ball. She says she wants to move past and thinks they can. Bill says – just like that. Katie says she thinks their family is more important. Brooke says - Bill listen to Katie. Katie asks Bill to come home to her and Will. Please come home. Bill says – No. Hope and Liam run in the house after being outside. Hope says she’s hungry and goes to look in the fridge and notices all this meat in there and wants to know what’s going on. Liam tells her that Wyatt is back in there. Hope is surprised but, thrilled and Liam tells her that Bill wants them to get along. Hope says this is the only time she agrees with Bill. Liam tells her about Wyatt coming to the office and apologize about hitting on Hope and Liam says it’s so weird and they are nothing alike. Hope says they can still be friends unless that’s something he doesn’t want. Liam says he does – but, that he doesn’t respect boundaries and about Wyatt kissing Hope. Hope says that he apologized didn’t he. Liam says – I’m just not so sure how sorry he is. Hope says – he is and kisses Liam. Quinn and Wyatt still talking. Quinn says – you need to hear me say that she was wrong keeping Bill from him – so she says – Okay, I was wrong – are we okay now. Wyatt says – Wow – how about once more with some feeling. Quinn wants to get beyond this. Wyatt tells her about going to SP and what could have been if he was there and had been there. He says his life would have been different if she just would have told him who his father was. Quinn tries to brush it off but, Wyatt says – he’s a Spencer and that business is his birthright – every bit as much as Liam’s and he’s up there doing whatever – weirdo. Quinn says - You don’t like him? Wyatt says – he’s okay but, he doesn’t deserve the ride he’s getting at Spencer and he definitely doesn’t deserve Hope. He says – I know you don’t like Hope but, I do. She’s an exciting, amazing and talented woman and she deserves a lot more than she’s getting from brother Liam. Quinn asks – Are you planning on doing something about this? Wyatt says – He’s planning on doing something about a lot of things. Katie says to Bill – You don’t want to try – you don’t want to work on it? Bill says – he was working on it – while Katie was going and taking Bill’s company and setting up spy cameras. He says it’s too much work – working thru Katie’s neurocies and insecurities. Brooke says – Bill, stop. He says it’s true. Bill says he has to be quiet – he has to tiptoe around Katie’s feelings and forget about his own. Brooke asks – How could you do this – to Katie. She says – I told you how much he loved you and wanted you and you set up these cameras to spy on us? Katie asks – why are you here – why did you bring him here – you want to rub in my face that you won? Katie says – yes she set up spy cameras – so what – why is she always the guilty party? Bill says – don’t make this about Brooke. Brooke says – every man has a breaking point – especially a man like Bill. He says - she pushed him to hers. He says he can’t do this anymore – he’s out. Quinn asks Wyatt what he’s planning. He says he doesn’t want to tip his hand. Quinn says she knows her son and he’s going after more than a relationship with Bill. Wyatt says – you bet I am – I want my birthright and I want the woman and the only thing standing in my way is Liam. Quinn says don’t forget he’s his son too. Wyatt says – he can’t – he’s in the top spot. Quinn brings up that Hope had to stir this up. Wyatt says – no, your problem is Hope told me the truth that you never wanted me to know. Hope is an awesome woman and if she hadn’t told me the truth – I wouldn’t be on the brink of all this possibility. He tells her he’s going to be a part of Bill’s world and she can accept it and come along for the ride or that she can get left behind. Hope says she should think about heading home. Liam says – no that’s a terrible idea. That’s the worst idea you ever had. Hope says – you want me to spend the night and Liam says – yeah and every night after. Liam says – okay, I’ve been thinking and I know how you feel about living her before marriage and I don’t want to compromise your principles and that’s the last thing – I’m just putting that on the table but, we’ve lost a lot of time. We’ve lost so much time and I don’t want to lose any more. I just want to wake up with you in the morning – you know and fall asleep with you in my arms. What do you think about moving in? Hope says – living with you and Wyatt and Bill? I mean is he going to be here too. Liam says – Touche. Liam says he can ask Bill to leave – and probably Wyatt too – if it’s making her uncomfortable – and she says no – they have to get to know each other. She says – You really want this? Liam says – Oh yeah, as long as you do. I just wanted to put it on the table and if you want time to think about it. Hope interrupts and says – You know what I think I’ve learned after everything we’ve been through. Liam says – What? Hope says – time lost is gone forever and all you’re left with is regret. I think I’m done with that. I want to start my life with you and there’s no better way to do that than being here with you. Liam smiles and says – I’m sorry – are you saying – is that a yes? Hope says – Yes. Liam says – Oh my God and Picks her up and turns her around and say I love you and they laugh and smile. Brooke is telling Bill that him and Katie have a son. He says he’ll never turn his back on his son but, he is angry and he’s done. Katie says – so that’s it then – you’re done. Bill says – this is a shock? You’ve been pushing me out the door for months. Katie says – it’s because of her isn’t it? Bill says no – if Brooke was gone tomorrow – I’d still feel the same way about us. Bill says – Lesson learned – moving on. Katie says – you think you can dump me for my sister and have no repercussions. Bill wants her to take responsibility. Bill says they admitted their mistake and he implored her to come home. He says she couldn’t hear it and what she did instead. Katie says her actions have had terrible consequences and so will yours. Trust me – you won’t like them. Liam says – is this really happening, you’re really moving in? Liam says – if you have any reservations – at all and Hope says – not one. They kiss and Wyatt walks in and they don’t hear him and Liam says – how soon – and Hope says tomorrow and Liam says – tonight would have been better but, tomorrow’s okay – we’ll make it official. Wyatt says – what’s official. They are surprised to see him and he says he’s sorry for interrupting and Liam says they have to get used to it. Liam tells Wyatt that Hope is moving in and Hope says – you think you can handle another roomie. Wyatt says – if it’s you – absolutely. Liam has a look on his face. Wyatt says – he’ll try not to get in the way. Liam says – you won’t. He goes into the kitchen. Hope and Liam kiss and Wyatt watches. Brooke says this is not the time for empty threats. She says not to tell her how to talk to her husband. They start to argue and Bill says – they’re past the point of no return. It’s never going to work for them. I’m through. He goes to leave and Katie says – then go – get out. He leaves. Katie tells Brooke – I was a fool to ever trust you. Brooke says – Katie. Katie says – don’t call me that. How many men have you done this to – Eric, Thorne and Deacon. You smile at them and giggle and drop that convenient tear and they fall at your feet. Katie goes on about them disrespecting her marriage. Katie says this all happened because Brooke fell in love with her husband. She says – you did this to me – you stole my husband. They are both crying.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 18:57:01 +0000

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