8/22/14 A Brief Word Give An Offering, Not A Tip Give, - TopicsExpress


8/22/14 A Brief Word Give An Offering, Not A Tip Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full, press down, shaken together, to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. Luke 6:38 NLT What is your attitude towards tipping? Do you tip? And if you tip or when you tip, are you doing it begrudgingly or cheerfully? BEGRUDGINGLY = To be reluctant to give, grant, or allow. If you look at tipping as the world looks at tipping, you will always have a negative attitude about tipping. And you will always tip based on the worldly standards for tipping! And you will aways tip begrudgingly! However, if you tip with the Spirit of God and view it the way God views tipping, you will do it with no hesitation and you will do it willingly and joyfully. Gods view on tipping, which is just giving generously, is doing it willfully and joyfully. For God loves a cheerful giver! 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 Think about this for a moment, more than likely, people working in these types of jobs where tipping is in order, you know that their income is nothing compared to those of us who have well paying jobs, and not to mention benefits. So as long as the person is giving you good service, and I understand about getting good service, what then is the problem of blessing the person serving you, with a good offering, not a tip. A good offering is above and beyond what the standard for tipping is, for the the amount of the check or the amount of services rendered. For Example: When tipping , I never tip less than $5.00, even though the check may only be $10.00. The worldly standard for tipping would be 10% which is a $1.00 tip or 20% which a $2.00 tip. And so on. Even if the check is less than $10.00 I am still giving an offering, not a tip, no less than $5.00 In my opinion that, $1.00 or $2.00 isnt going to do a thing for the person serving you. And under the worldly view of tipping that is ok. However, if you want to be truly blessed by God, you need to give above and beyond what you normally tip. No longer looking at it as tip, but as an offering. However, we do not give to others so that we can be blessed. No! We give because we are blessed! And because we care for others well being. When you adopt this attitude about tipping, as I always tell others, who get on my case for the way I tip, you will never go broke. I encourage you to be a generous giver and not a stingy tipper! And when you do, God will bless you for it, way beyond whatever you can ask or think! Watch and see, you will be amazed and as a bonus, you will feel good about doing so, and good about yourself! When you have the attitude of giving an offering instead of a tip, it gives you an opportunity to be a blessing in someones life, even if it is just for that moment! Jesus says, In as much as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto to me. Matthew 25:40 His Servant Sanford D. Dickerson, Jr.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:54:00 +0000

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