8/29/14 — Several conservative media outlets said they had - TopicsExpress


8/29/14 — Several conservative media outlets said they had independent verification from high-level federal intelligence agencies that ISIS operatives were in Mexico, and intercepted radio chatter indicated they were trying to “carry out an attack on the border.” Asked about the threat, the Department of Homeland Security refused to verify it. 9/10/14 — During a Homeland Security hearing, John Wagner, acting assistant commissioner for Custom and Border Patrol’s Office of Field Operations, said that tens of people suspected in terrorist activity caught on the southern border. 9/10/14 — According to Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, four individuals with known ties to Middle Eastern terrorist organizations were apprehended trying make it through the Texas-Mexico border. 9/17/14 — Asked about the reports of four terrorists being detained on the border, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson responded “Sitting here right now, no specific case comes to mind. That doesn’t mean there is none.” 10/7/14 — Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., a member of the House Armed Services Committee, announced that “at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas.” 10/8/14 — DHS responded that The suggestion that individuals who have ties to ISIL have been apprehended at the Southwest border is categorically false, and not supported by any credible intelligence or the facts on the ground. A spokesperson for Representative Hunter replied to the denial by saying simply that The Congressman was conveying what he knows — and what he was told. I gotta be honest, I usually dont listen to border fear mongers. But in this case, I smell an election-year coverup. SOURCES: c-span.org/video/?321387-1/hearing-isis-terrorists-western-passports thegatewaypundit/2014/09/breaking-islamist-terrorists-captured-on-us-border-on-september-10-day-before-9-11-video/ washington.cbslocal/2014/10/08/gop-rep-at-least-ten-isis-fighters-have-been-caught-coming-across-the-mexican-border/ nationalreview/corner/386694/judicial-watch-feds-bulletin-describes-threat-imminent-terrorist-attack-southern breitbart/Breitbart-Texas/2014/08/29/Exclusive-Breitbart-Texas-Verifies-ISIS-Threat-With-Leaked-Doc
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 20:48:52 +0000

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