8/4/2014 Olivias Update: per Seth Hatfield Olivia is continuing - TopicsExpress


8/4/2014 Olivias Update: per Seth Hatfield Olivia is continuing to make good progress. Today the rehab doc met with the family and shared all of Olivias CT scans taken since the car wreck on 6/29 and talked about her progress to date. He explained the brain damage and Seth said this was interesting, informative and helped understand the changes in the CT images. The doctor told them Olivia made good progress in several areas since her admit but especially since the weekend. She is sleeping better, she is less agitated, with therapies and the sitter her transfers are stronger, her food is nearly at regular consistency, with ST she is answering more of her questions correctly and she is not incessantly counting. She could write her name today; she could not on Friday. Today the doctor asked her to write a sentence any sentence. . . .so she wrote any sentence =) (there is always something to smile about.) The progress list was so long that I am probably missing something. Her Doctor said she is at a RLO level V. With OT she is working on toilet and shower chair transfers. During these transfers she is now able to move her feet and help more when going from one place to the other. For the first time today she started therapeutic gait using wide-based platform walker and moderate-maximum assistance of the PT. The tough stuff is that at times she is confused and confabulates details. The doctor said this type of confusion is normal and may last for up to 6 more weeks. Also, her muscles are weak but she is working very hard to get stronger and increase her function with every task she performs. All of the above are Gods answers to collective prayers spoken over Olivia. We are unendingly appreciative for them! THANK YOU! We also give thanks to God for all he has done and continue to ask for Olivias good progress in with all therapies.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 23:50:36 +0000

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