8-5-13 [dream one] A guy takes a T-shirt out of the trunk of his - TopicsExpress


8-5-13 [dream one] A guy takes a T-shirt out of the trunk of his car and says, “Another one for Swaziland.” [NOTE: Kingdom of Swaziland is a landlocked country in southern Africa, an independent member of the British commonwealth.] The guy has a whole trunk full of black T-shirts, folded and stacked horizontally in rows. He unfolds one and holds it up; it has yellowish writing on it in concentric circles. The dots and dashes of the words from a distance look like a rooster. INTERPRETATION: Yellow clothes can mean a woman suicide bomber [or a man disguised as a woman]. The terror alert is for northern Africa but this might be a dream mirror image [southern Africa]. Osama bin Laden was born in the Year of the Rooster. [dream two] I’m at work. My desk is in the hall, which has a poured concrete floor, no carpet. A new secretary arrives, looks around and says that the heater is broken, [the copper pipe is] jammed. I tell her that our coworkers have brought vegetarian food for lunch. I overhear Robert Brown [Union representative] talking about an employee fundraising event--a plant sale for $1 each, if you join as a “Friend [of the Library]”. He complains that the tree they described as small was too big for his trailer--like a Christmas tree. I pay $3 dollars for a membership anyway. A new guy holds up a small plant and asks if I want a “red or blue fusilerium.” It looks like verbena [popular plant native to North and South America.] I find the vegetarian food in the meeting room like the one on 120th Street--on four tables arranged in a square. I remember that my mother is a vegetarian in real life and decide to invite her for lunch. She’s at the Presbyterian church volunteering on a committee to paint the church. I try to look up the number in an encyclopedia. The last few pages are about the history of terror attacks, so I decide to walk there instead. The new secretary asks the name of the company. I tell her it’s aerospace, the same as another company that begins with a “C.” I can’t remember the name right away. I tell her I’ll be back in 30 minutes so that she can take her lunch break. I ask if she wants some of the vegetarian food and she says no, so I don’t eat [dream food] either. I see a clock and it’s only 7:00. My boss arrives at 9:00. She asks where I live and I say, “I’m 50 and I live with my mother, my two sisters and my brother.” I go outside and it looks like Hughes on El Segundo Blvd; there’s a tree-filled common mall between the buildings. I find the church; the lobby has a wood floor. My blond sister walks in, carrying a gallon of paint/ varnish, on her lunch break. She says that she was going to help on the floor, but it’s already done. She sits on a folding metal chair in one corner with some of her classmates including Alan Augsburger. I can hear my mother above and look through a ventilation hole. She’s painting the stairwell railing peach or light orange with another woman. Her arm gets tired and she finger paints with her hand. The other woman says that she’s strong for 86 [she’s 81]. I realize sheepishly that they had food for the volunteers and she’s already eaten. I get a lift from a woman in an old blue car. She says, “Oh, look a plant sale,” and swerves to the curb next to a grocery store. She parks next to some crates, being careful not to block the doors where the food is delivered. She says she was looking for something else. She locks the car door with keys that look like three plastic icicles-- Christmas ornaments--and says that she hides them in the [mag/ magnesium] wheels. There’s stuff outside the store on the sidewalk and a kid says, “Books are half-price, I bought seven.” There are milk cans full of white robes. I go inside. The place looks like a huge thrift store; I have roller skates to get around. The plants are few, scattered among the other merchandise. I find the trees in the next room and they look like ficus trees. I go outside, but the car is gone. I skate down the sidewalk to the right, trying again to remember the name of the company that began with a C. I come to the edge of the commercial section, to an industrial park with oil refinery equipment painted the same peach/ orange color as the church railing. I think I passed it. It’s 7:45 and I’m late back from lunch. The hill looks like the one where the parking ramp was next to the Student Union on the Iowa River. I come to a red brick wall and slide down. Two women at desks are talking about the “renovation of this government monument.” INTERPRETATION: I seemed to be my brother in this dream. He’s 52, same age as President Obama, and he worked at Continental/ Conoco oil refinery. My mother is a [vegetarian] Seventh Day Adventist, not a Presbyterian [democratically elected lay officials]. There is a terror alert in August [Leo/ Virgo]; some past terror attacks that I heard mentioned on CNN last night were the copier attack, the shoe bomb attack and the Christmas underwear bomb attack. “The Company” is one name for the CIA. “El Segundo” can mean “second.” [in command to Osama bin Laden]. There was an oil company in El Segundo that I can’t remember the name of and a Mobil Oil company plant in Torrance. My mother was born in the Year of the Goat [2015] and my sister’s classmates in the Year of the Snake [2013]. Iowa hosts the first caucus in presidential elections.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 17:45:51 +0000

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