8-9-13 I’m walking across Los Angeles, following the - TopicsExpress


8-9-13 I’m walking across Los Angeles, following the coastline, five miles inland on Inglewood Avenue. I arrive at the cemetery behind Ralph’s grocery store and the Galleria [at the 91 Freeway in Redondo Beach] and say to Steve, “We can stop and take a break here, in Manhattan Beach.” He replies, “It was Manhattan Beach two blocks ago.” NOTE: the beaches in order are: Manhattan, Hermosa, Redondo. We climb inside a poured concrete freeway underpass [on Manhattan Beach Blvd] that’s narrow like a [vertical] tomb. Three teenaged boys run by like they’re on their way home from school [school starts in September.] One kid stops; he looks like Gary Goins in my 1969 high school annual [Year of the Rooster]. He has a pack of [red] Marlboros and puts cigarette smoke behind his ears like a purification ceremony. Then I hear him in a room identifying people from photos. He guesses wrong on two--movie stars, then says, “George Mattingly.” I guess that he‘s “David.” I look at the photos myself. Two are printed inside men‘s felt hats. One photo is of my mother in a floor-length white dress like a school girl standing with one foot in a stream [like the Star card in Tarot]. She‘s surrounded by flat-topped mesas that resemble peeled sweet potatoes or carrots. The other photo is of my mother‘s [deceased] sister. I return home to my real life house with the pack of Marlboros. My mother-in-law [Year of the Dragon] is waiting inside and asks what I‘ve been doing. I feel terrible and lie down on a mattress on the floor with a black fitted sheet. Steve comes in with a piece of hard candy wrapped in red and white paper. I unwrap it and the candy is orange. INTERPRETATION: The dream predicted a science show I was going to watch where a cardboard dragon with a concave head looked 3D. I woke up and did feel terrible--from eating something I was allergic to [silica made of oranges?] My father likes sweet potatoes and was born in the sign of Aquarius/ the Star card in Tarot. Aquarius: Jan 20-Feb 18. 8-10-13 [dream one] Andy from The Office finds a pile of file boxes in a storage area on a military base and calls the authorities. I think the boxes are the ones that Edward Snowden stole in real life. I go to my yellow Datsun wagon and find four more boxes in there. I open one box absentmindedly as I do some paperwork; it’s full of food including a bag of yellow hard candy. Then I realize I need to get rid of the boxes. I drive along a mountain ridge on my lunch break. The road is almost washed out in some spots with a very narrow trail. [NOTE: The kidnapped girl in Idaho was on a mountain ridge.] I drive back to work wondering how I can wipe my fingerprints off the boxes if I unload them and put them with the ones in the another pile in the parking lot. The sun is low in the sky like it will set in a couple of hours. My heart is pounding. [dream two] I go back to sleep and my boss tells me to go through the rest of the boxes. I watch Bill Schabilian open them. There are a lot of recent hardback books in one box including one titled “The Big Bang.” He corrects me that it’s “The New Big Bang.” The second box contains clothes including a girdle, a see-thru light blue football uniform bottom, a long-sleeved flannel pajama top, and a bunch of rolled up T-shirts that are olive green and white. I ask Bill if he wants one of the four necklaces in another box. He replies, “Not without the book so I can read the meaning” like I was talking about a Tarot card. There are five, then seven women in the room so I decide to pull the winner from a hat. My apartment manager [Sri Lanka] shows me a necklace that I made in real life with multi-strands of black beads and a terra cotta chicken-shaped bead. It matches her bracelets and rings. INTERPRETATION: Osama bin Laden and Hamid Karzai [both from Afghanistan] were born in 1957, the Year of the Rooster. 8-11-13 I’m in the post office mailing Christmas presents before the rush [in early December]. I put three $10 dollar bills, one $20 dollar bill and a $3 bill on the counter and give the clerk 59 cents. [1953 was the Year of the Snake/ companion astrological sign to the Dragon. 1959 was the Year of the Pig.] The clerk shows me a larger coin and asks if I know that it’s a 50 cent piece. Then he takes a zoomed in coin that’s two feet in diameter from a shelf that he says was a gift for some woman named “Pam [Shriver?]” in 2012. I tell him that I worked with a secretary with that name. I look at the coin and see the date 2012. There’s a man’s face on the coin and I say that it must be her boyfriend “James.” I follow a guy across a big lawn. I hear a noise and look down. My neighbor’s white Chihuahua is at my feet on a bump of dirt in the lawn. She has an inch-long cut on her shoulder like from a knife [or owl’s talons] that she must have gotten camping in real life. INTERPRETATION: Hilary Clinton, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul in the 2012 election were all born in the Year of the Pig. Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in the Year of the Pig [Leo] and at one point the Republicans wanted to change the constitution so that he could run for president. Osama bin Laden’s secretary/ bomb maker in Yemen had a bomb attack planned for October 2012 in Manhattan. The kidnapper in Idaho’s name was James DiMaggio [deceased].
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 23:35:13 +0000

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