8/9/13 The obscurity is about to subside and such light is about - TopicsExpress


8/9/13 The obscurity is about to subside and such light is about to occur like never before. And those who have yielded to Me will walk in a new realm of wisdom and insight that goes beyond their understanding, because times of leaning on their own understanding is over. My understanding has become fruitful in them. They understand My ways, and My will, My purpose and My design. That is why they will walk in such high wisdom. That is why they will live in that high life. They will no longer be partakers of the low life and in the low living but a high way they have chosen. And because they have chosen the highway, My light shall shine brighter still upon them. Those who have chosen know that it is not about me choosing you, it is about you choosing to do My way and My will and when you do, says the Lord, such great peace, such great anointing, such great insight, such great wisdom shall come upon you and shall supersede others that stand by and who have not made the choice to choose to do My will and be obedient to My way. But those who have chosen says the Lord, that is where the separation will occur. It is not because I favor anyone more than the other it is because you desire Me more than the others and because you have decided to walk with Me and do exactly what I say, not prescribed notions of your own, no longer yielding to your own flesh, your own ideas and then ascribing them to Me. No longer, says the Lord, but you are going to say, this is the Lord and I will walk in His ways. Then I will put My stamp and My seal of approval on the things that you do and everybody will know it says the Lord, because I will promote you. And you will no longer say that I said, or I did something, when it fact it was you moving and doing, moving in your own strength and doing your own will. I will sincerely be magnified and exalted in your life, for you will put your hands in mine. But now says the Lord those who surrender their will to Me, they will do those exploits, they will be shining lights, bright in the midst of a dark world. These are my chosen ones, these are the ones who have come up higher and I will anoint them to go even higher, says the Lord. My Word says that foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction drives it far from him. The foolish child, the hard headed child, the stiff-neck child, the rod of correction will drive foolishness far from him. I am giving the opportunity for all of My children to be submissive, to be obedient so that the rod of correction does not have to be applied to drive that disobedience away from you. I Am looking for willing and obedient people to bless, willing and obedient children. And if you’re willing just lift your hand, and if your obedient lift the other hand because God is saying, I’m going to cause everything that is necessary to come along side of you and everything that is on the inside of you to well up and you are going to find a force that the enemy can not reckon with. He cannot stand against an obedient person. And this is the days of Enoch, which separates everybody else from the anointing of obedient ones. To Enoch I gave dreams, visions, interpretations, and divine counsel and secret wisdom. And I Am calling you to that place but you have to have the same obedient spirit in the midst of a hard-hearted, hard-headed generation. If you choose to yield I will cause you to have the same supernatural insight, wisdom, and secret insight into divine things and this is the season because you are going to need every bit of it! "And He said to all, If any person wills to come after Me, let him deny himself [disown himself, forget, lose sight of himself and his own interests, refuse and give up himself] and take up his cross daily and follow Me [cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying also]. (Luke 9:23) "I considered my ways; I turned my feet to [obey] Your testimonies. I made haste and delayed not to keep Your commandments." (Ps. 119:59-60) "You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.” (Heb. 1:9) Debra Lowe
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 02:32:57 +0000

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