8 Easy Ways To Reduce EMF Exposure b4in.org/fCMi How EMFs - TopicsExpress


8 Easy Ways To Reduce EMF Exposure b4in.org/fCMi How EMFs impact the human body Gittleman, author of Zapped, a comprehensive guide to EMFs, explains that us humans are basically energy sources with natural electrical forces running through our bodies all the time. If you have ever had acupuncture, this is just like the Chinese Medicine concept of Qi pronounced ‘chee’, which loosely translated to ‘life force’. EMFs are emitted from every device that plugs into an electrical outlet as well as from airplanes and power lines or transformers. Your laptop, iPod, cell phone or other small handheld electronic devices all emit EMFs when they’re in use, and these frequencies interfere with the flow of energy (Qi flow) in our bodies. Over time, disruption of Qi can create imbalance and disease. ‘Dirty electricity’ refers to electro-magnetic fields contaminated by high frequency distortions. Examples are fluorescent lights, wi-fi, computers, battery chargers, smart meters, and plasma tvs – just to name a few. These devices and their dirty electricity have been linked to four of the biggest inflammation diseases – cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and neurological disorders. Short and long-term health risks from EMFs According to a study done by the Anatomisches Institute in Germany, high-frequency EMFs had “no notable short-term effect on pineal melatonin synthesis in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats and Djungarian hamsters.” They determined their findings were true for all mammals as well. Long-term issues, however, are a different story. The World Health Organization (WHO) put out a press release in May, 2011 that states that radiation from cell phones can be a carcinogen to humans and, with excessive use, could be linked to brain tumors. Excessive EMF absorption has also been linked to headaches, nausea, dizziness, chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, respiratory and cardiovascular distress, behavioral problems, lack of focus, certain cancers, infertility and much more. Every biochemical process involves precisely choreographed movement of EMF-sensitive atoms, molecules, and ions. Iron in blood is affected by EMF as well as the proper function nerves, blood vessels, skin, and other organs – even the DNA of chromosomes. 8 easy ways to reduce EMF exposure without moving off the grid Whether or not our technology will be the death of us still stands to reason. There’s certainly enough evidence, however, that it’s worth considering how to reduce EMF exposure. Some of the following may be more doable for you than others. For more tips, I highly recommend that you read Zapped which has an additional 1,260 ways to “outsmart the hazards of electronic pollution”. #1 – Get rid of wi-fi and go back to corded networks Anything digital or wireless is going to emit a higher level of EMF than a plugged in device. Wi-fi emits dirty electricity, which is greatly reduced when home computer networks are plugged in with permanent cords. Gittleman recommends that if you need to keep wi-fi, just make sure it’s “at least three rooms away from where you spend most of your time, and especially your bedroom.” Being the tech-loving geeks that we are in my household, we a have wi-fi out the wazoo and don’t plan to ditch it any time soon. Our compromise: every night we shut down the wi-fi router so the machines can stop sending EMFs while we sleep. #2 – Use your smart phone wisely It’s pretty clear that holding a cell phone next to your ear not a smart move. Instead use speaker phone or a hands-free kit with a wireless air tube like this one. Texting (not while driving, of course) is also safer since the phone is further away from your brain as well. As much as possible, keep your phone in ‘airplane’ mode to turn off all signals to and from the device when not in use. #3 – Purge electronics from your bedroom Hopefully you’re spending a good 7-8 hours each night tucked away in bed. To maximize the restorative benefits of your sleep and eliminate damage from EMFs, remove as many electronic devices from your bedroom as possible. This includes using battery operated alarm clocks, moving the bed away from ‘charged’ walls, and possibly even shutting off the electricity to your room at night time. More b4in.org/fCMi
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 18:15:33 +0000

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