8 Facts About My Pregnancy: 1. It took me & my husband almost 7 - TopicsExpress


8 Facts About My Pregnancy: 1. It took me & my husband almost 7 years to have our miracle/rainbow baby Kyler. 2. I went into preterm labor at 28 weeks dilated to 3cm, had to be admitted to Strong Hospital & it took them 3 days to stop my labor. 3. My labor was only 6 hours. 4. I had no cravings until I was 7 months pregnant, I need a bowl of cereal after every meal I ate. 5. Every doctor I seen told me I wouldnt make it to 40 weeks with him, I had Kyler when I was 36weeks 6days pregnant, he came out weighing 7pounds .5oz 6. My labor went as smooth as it could be for a first time mommy in the beginning stages, I got my epi when I was 5cm and they broke my water at 7cm....after my water breaking my labor went from smooth sailing to complete horror. Babys heart rate kept going down and they could not get it to come back up, after having me turn on each side and getting on all fours his heart rate had stopped completely. Resulting in emergency c-section. 7. From the time they wheeled me out of my birthing suite to the time Kyler was born it took only 7 minutes! Left my room at exactly 4am and he was born at 4:07am, I never got to hear his first cry because they had to put me under =[ 8: Kylers umbilical cord was wrapped around him three times, once around his neck, around his stomach, and around his shoulder.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 18:36:14 +0000

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