8 Great Foods That Burn Belly Fat No doubt one of the - TopicsExpress


8 Great Foods That Burn Belly Fat No doubt one of the troublesome worries related to health is increasing body weight. Though it is a normal phenomenon that a person tends to put on weight during his early 30s, it becomes a grave concern if it is not checked and limited to the permissible extent. Interestingly the first weight gain starts from the belly followed by the waist and then the butts. When there is an increase in the fat accumulation in these areas with a disproportionate amount in other parts of the body the resultant shape is a completely awkward one. Hence, it becomes more important to focus on belly mass reduction than on a general body weight loss. There are simple yet impressive ways to make this possible. First of all choose the right Foods That Burn Belly Fat. Yes, what you heard is right. There are really some Foods That Burn Belly Fat. Fish & Meat – This is an ingredient found in meat and fishes that directly attack the appetite inducing hormone called Leptin, which induces a person to eat more. Proteins are hard to digest nutrients. Take foods that are rich in protein like lean meats of chicken, turkey and beef. The logic is simple. When you take these foods the body has to put in extra efforts to digest it thereby burning extra calories. Nuts are other rich source of both Proteins and Omega 3 Fatty acids along with fibre. They also give you that full-feel thereby reducing the appetite. Eggs & Dairy Products – This is a food that is filled with Vitamin B12 nutrient that takes its toll on the fat. Dairy products like milk, yogurt and especially buttermilk are filled with this nutrient. Apples – These contain pectin that easily blend with water and form a resistance to extra absorption of fat. The anti oxidants present in them fight the high cholesterol and blood pressure that go hand in hand to put on that extra fat lining in the belly. Whole grains – Especially Oats are filled with highly soluble fibre that helps a lot in burning down the cholesterol and fat levels of the body. They get digested slowly thereby making you feel full for long and reduce excess food intake. This also means reduced blood sugar levels. Cinnamon – This is not one of the Foods That Burn Belly Fat but a simple spice. Can you believe that a spice can reduce your belly fat? But it is true. Taking anywhere between ½ to 3 teaspoons of cinnamon a day would keep the cholesterol level down by up to 25 per cent and also reduce your sugar levels. That sounds great isnt it? Cayenne – Here is yet another magic spice that helps in burning the belly fat. It reduces that food craving and produces extra heat in the body that is diverted towards burning the calories. Black Pepper – This is a hot and spicy spice with that pungent taste which is its specialty and caused by piperine. Piperine acts fast and increases the fat oxidation by as far as 8% and helps in faster digestion and absorption of nutrients in equal quantities throughout the body. For more interesting information, you should visit: Foods That Burn Belly Fat
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 02:09:08 +0000

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