8. ISHA KHA of Sonargaon the great ruler of Dhaka and Historical, - TopicsExpress


8. ISHA KHA of Sonargaon the great ruler of Dhaka and Historical, tradition civilization culture, legacy and heritage of his descendants ever remembered. In 16th century ISHA KHA (Masnad-I-Ala) the leader of Bharo Bhuyan fought again and again for the protection of the independent of Bengal against Mughals and defeated Manshingh the General of Emperor Akbar in 1597 A.D. and from that time onwards the Sonargaon became focal pivot for the dreams of independent Bengal. In the sub-cotenant ISHA KHA alone sowed the seed of independent of Bengal. His valor courage, Patriotism were undoubtedly praiseworthy. ISHA KHA foundation has been established to restore the historical heritage legacy and civilization and to uphold other objects of ISHA KHA foundation. History of the ISHA KHA and his descendant at Sonargaon, Dhaka are briefly furnished herewith. In the old days the Sonargaon was known as Subarnagram. ISHA KHA married Shornomohi the daughter of king Chand Ray of Sripur, who was sister of Kedar Ray. Shornomohi embraced Islam and was named as Shona Bibi. Sonargaon the capital of Bengal named after her name. ISHA KHA Masnad-I-Ala was the most popular ruler in our national history as the embodied symbol of our independence against Aggression and undoubted brave freedom fighter successful in all crucial tests of patriotism and memorable towering personality. In his life he came to be a known as the legendrical hero of this sub-continents. As the source of inspiration for the protestors to repeal the force aggression of imperialist throughout the world over the ages, every steps of this struggling hero like that of the hero Sindbad of Alif Laila is full adventures. ISHA KHA the ruler of Bhati and the chief of the Bhuiyans. ISHA KHA was the local hero who fought against the Mughals. He was born 18th August 1529 AD. His father Sulayman Kha, a descendant of an Afghan Chieftain of the region of the Sulayman ranges in Afghanistan, had settled in Bengal in the reign of NURAT SHA and carved out an independent principality in the Bhati region comprising the northeastern portion of greater Dhaka district and the southeastern portion of greater Mymensingh district. Sulaiman, who rebelled against Islam. Shah Sur at least twice, was killed in 1548. ISHA KHA was then about 19 years old. After his father’s death ISHA was brought up by his paternal uncle Qutubuddin. He spent has childhood and youth in Bhati. It was because of the good grace of Taj Khan, the Karrani Afghan ruler, that ISHA obtained an estate in Sonargaon and Maheswardi Parganah in 1564 at the age of about 35 as a vassai of the Karrani rulers of Bengal. By winning the favour of the Karrani rulers he gradually increased his strength and status and by 1571 became so powerful that Abul Fazal designated his as the ruler of Bhati. In 1573 he helped DAUD KHAN KARRANI in his expedition of chittagong against UDAYA MANIKYA, THE KING OF TRIPURA. He also helped his mentor in driving out the Mughal flotilla from the vicinity of Sonargaon in 1575. ISHA KHA’S services to Daud Khan earned his the title of Masnad-I-Ala. ISHA KHA played a leading role in the local resistance that followed the defeat of the Kararani Afghans at the hands of the Mughals in the battle of Rajmahal (1576). A astute and farsighted politician. ISHA KAHA realized that he could that he could not face AKBAR single-handed with his relatively limited resources. So he established support with the neighboring landlords and the Afghan Chieftains and forged and anti-Mughal politico-military alliance with them. He also made friendship with Amar manikya and Raghu Dev, the neighboring kings of Tripura and Kamrup respectively. Above all, ISHA ensured proper use of his war-boats, the backbone of his military power. In 1578 the Mughal Subahdar Khan Jahan invaded the Bhati region. i.e. East Bengal and encamped at Bhawal. Ibrahim Naral and Karimdad Musazai, the two Afghat chieftains broke theier alliance with ISHA and offered allegiance to the Mughals. ISHA KHA stood defiant and a large Mughal naval force was sent against him under Sha Bardi and Muhammad Quli. A fierece engagement took place at Kastu, now in Kishorganj district. Despite ISHA’s initial retreat, the Mughal army took to flight after being severely defeated by ISHA’S allies. Majlis Dilawar and Majlish Pratap. Consequently Khan Jahan, utterly ruined, was compelled to leave Bhati. Thus ISHA KHA proved a formidable obstacle against Mughal expansion in Eastern Bengal. The nest Viceroy SHAHBAZ KHAN led an expedition against ISHA KHA in 1584. Taking advantage of ISHA’S preoccupations in the Kuch Bihar expedition the Mughal army ravaged Katrabo, the home and capital of ISHA, as well as Khizirpur, Sonargaon and Egarasindhur. At this time ISHA returned from Kuch Bihar and, with his ally MASUM KHAN KABULI, put up a vehement resistance against the Mughals both on land and water. The Mughals were defeated in the battle of Egarasindhur and Bhawal, and were forced to turn back to Tanda, the local headquarters of the Mughals. But this victory did not relieve ISHA of anxiety as, rejuvenated with reinforcements sent by Akbar, Shahbaz Khan again marched towards Bhati in 1586. At this juncture. ISHA sent presents and a proposal of peace to the Mughal viceroy and pretending to be loyal to the emperor he succeeded in forestalling a Mughal invasion of Bhati. Since then ISHA remained undisturbed in his own territory for almost a decade. In September 1579, MAN SINGH sent two large forces by land and water against ISHA KHA. The Mughal army under the command of DURJAN SINGH, son of Man Singh, initially achieved some success and even attacked Kartabho, but finally on 5 September of the resulted in the death of Durjan and the ruination of the Mughal army. ISHA KHA threatened the foundation of Mughal empire by defeating the great warrior, seven and half thousand Mauabdar and Subedar of Bengal Raja Mansingh. In a dual fight when the sword of Raja Mansingh was broken into two pieces at the virulent stroke of ISHA KHA another sword was handed to over to Raja Mansingh who was overwhelmed with the generosity and bravery of ISHA KHA. He accepted defeat and bound himself with ISHA KHA in a tie of friendship. A rare event as a new dimension was added to the world history of heroism. ISHA KHA died in 17th September 1599 at the age of about 70. ISHA KHA was buried at Baktarpur under police station Kaligonj in the district of Gazipur, Bangladesh. Thus ISHA KHA brilliantly resisted Mughal aggression and succeeded in maintaining his independence against the Mughal onslaughts for a quarter of a century. Akbar failed to establish his authority over the Bhati region during the lifetime of ISHA KHA. On the contrary, ISHA established his authority over a vast territory by gradually increasing his strength. H successfully transformed his estate in Sonargaon and Maheswardi parganah into an independent domain which comprised a considerable portion of Dhaka district, almost the whole of Mymensingh district and also a small portion of Tripura district. Katrabho and JANGALBARI and Egarasindhur in Kishorganj district were his strong outposts. Ralph ETTCH, who visited Sonargaon in 1586, calls him the chief king of all these countries’. ‘The chief of all the other kings (Bhuiyans) and a great friends to the Christians. ISHA KHA’S success in the struggle for the preservation of the independence of Bengal against Mughal imperialism and aggression in the last quarter of the 16th century turned him into a pre-eminent personality of Bengal. It would not be an exaggeration to designate him as one of the national heroes in recognition of the heroism which he demonstrated to preserve the regional sovereignty of Bengal in a transitional phase of her history. ISHA KHA’S remarkable career profoundly stirred the minds of the Bengali people. This has been reflected in different ballads, dramas, novels and patriotic songs composed since his time. 9. Musa Kha ruler of Bhati (East Bengal Delta), was the son and successor of ISHA KHA Masnad-I-Ala. He inherited from his father in 1599 a vast territory comprising about a half of greater Dhaka and Comilla districts, almost the whole of greater Mymensingh district, and perhaps some portions of the greater districts of Rangpur, Bogra and Pabna. Musa Kha possessed a formidable fleet of war-boats and besides his capital Sonargaon he had fortified posts at Khaizrpur, Katrabo, Kadam Rasul, Jatrapur, Dakchara, Sripur and Vikrampur. Musa Kha, with the assistance of other Bhuiyans, fought against the Mughal imperial forces for a decade to maintain his supremacy over East Bengal. But after repeated defeats and the fall of his strongholds together with Sonargaon (1611) he had to surrender at long last Musa Kha was taken to the vice royal court at Jahangirnagar and was most sternly treated by ISLAM KHAN CHISTI, Subsequently having been treated kindly by IBRAHIM KHA FATI-I-JANG (1617-1624) he served the viceroy faithfully and distinguished himself in the conquest of Tippera and suppression of revolt in KAMPUR, Musa died in dhaka in 1623. He lies buried in the Bagh-I-Musa Kha, close to the Musa Kha’s Mosque situated within the Shahidullah Hall compound of Dhaka University. 10. Feroj Kha (2nd generation descendants) and his son Monowar Kha (3rd generation descendants) survive their father became the ruler of that Pargana. Monowar Kha left behind their sons namely Hattu Kha, Nattu Kha and Paher Kha as his descendant to succeed him to rule the Pargana (4th generation descendants) and Pahar Kha was succed by son Chamru Kha (5th generation descendant) and others descendants ruled Sonargaon by turn before advent of the East India Company which dispossessed the hero of ISHA KHA’s descendants in 1770 and drove out the 4th and 5th generation descendants of ISHA KHA from Sonargaon. As such the descendants took refuse in Mahatpur Village at Kaligonj police station, Satkhira District the remotest part of Sundarban in Bangladesh. After the descendants constructed new Homestead building. Ever since the homestead was known as Kha Bari. From that time the descendants of ISHA KHA established School, College, Eid-Gah, Mosque, Madrasha, graveryard and Hospital etc. A member of ISHA KHA family namely Haibat Kha migrated at Kharabad under Bagerhat District for business. Taleb Kha son of Chamru Kha (6th generation descendant), Sahadat Kha son of Taleb Kha (7th generation descendant) Sobilar Rahman Kha, son of Sahadat Kha (8th generation descendant), Nazibor Rahman Kha and Nazrul Islam Kha son of Sobilar Rahman Kha (9th generation descendant), Iqbal Faruk Kha, Kibria Masud Kha sons and daughters Shapna Nazrin and Nasima Sultana Ratna of Nazibor Rahman Kha, (10th generation descendants) are notable persons. Nasima Sultana Ratna is the founder Chairman of ISHA KHA foundation. She is poet and Historian as well. Her writings comprise “Bisher Eti Khatha, Ridoir Ghata Mala and so many other sons being remarkable are noteworthy. Panam Nagari and fords situated Sonargan the capital of Historic Bengal establish of ISHA KHA some four hundred years ago. ISHA KHA established Jangal Bari ford, Egarasindhur situated at Kishorgonj. The historical tradition, heritage, legacy and civilization are to be upheld and protected from being destroyed. 11. Mrs. Nasima Sultana Ratna the present spiritual occupant is the founder chairman of the ISHA KHA foundation which is named after her great ISHA KHA family. Her restless efforts have been going to formation of a spider-web of the socio-economic activities of this organization all over the Bangladesh and Mrs. Nasima Sultana Ratna is the 10th direct descendent of great ISHA KHA spiritual successor ship upon her. The foundation has become a symbol of humanitarian assistance to the poor, destitute and distressed. It made a clarion call for rehabilitation of tens of thousands of peoples rendered homeless due to river erosion, floods, cyclones and other natural calamities. A never ending rehabilitation process of distressed humanity has been on acceleration under the imitative and dynamic guidance of its chairman who has fully addresses herself no wonder to the Herculean task of upliftment of that section of people have not class. It is no wonder that this spiritual saint could rightly identify the acute problems of her country has been facing. 12. Bangladesh the most densely populated country of the World with 120 million people in 54,000 sq. miles of lands is also factually the second poorest country in the world. Illiteracy, poverty, unemployment and over populated are the main factors for her being in such a plight. The agriculture, which accounts for 85% employment of the people, remains primitive with lowest per acre field. The growth on an industrial economic base is miserable hindrance due to absence of technical know how and necessary experts. The ISHA KHA foundation upholds that the only panacea for amelioration of peoples suffering is to evoke a fundamental change in their outlook at grass-root level and this can only be brought about the removal of ignorance from among the vast messages. Since its inception orphanage of more that 100 educational institutions have come under its network. It is a pride that its achievement in providing accommodation for more than 3 (three) thousands orphans, irrespective of cast and creed who can devote to conventional, religious, technical and vocational pursuits in the 15 houses of orphans so fat built. At present the ISHA KHA FOUNDATION is busy in implementing its ambitious five years plan (2006-2010) for upliftment of the poor throughout Bangladesh. 13. Beside, the foundation has visualized and initially been working on project profile with regard to the useful absorption and integration of poor have not into the mainstream of society. The magnitude of social menace as posed by the poverty can hardly be underestimated. The over all improvement of the socio-economic condition of the people depends on complete eradication of poverty problem. 14. As regards funding and implementations of projects, the Complex depends on its own resources and funds received as donation from benevolent and philanthropic institutions of national and International stature constitutionally it can also depend on their direct participation in the projects. 15. The ISHA KHA FOUNDATION is now working on national as well as international fields for propagation of faith, unity, discipline, peace and prosperity for the distressed humanity. In order to discharge their functions and to maintain liaison with various world bodies Government and Non Government Agencies, this organization has established its office at Dhaka and Mrs. Nasima Sultana is the founder Chairman and Advocate Md. Abdur Rouf is the Secretary General of The ISHA KHA FOUNDATION. 16. In view of the expanding gigantic task embarked upon by the foundation with its own meager resources and with a view to running these projects more effectively, we cordially invite your esteemed foundation for direct and generous participation in our said economic & humanitarian projects with provide impetus to the poverty stricken, distressed and oppressed people living in sub-human conditions in Bangladesh and regions covering Third World Countries by contributing and providing material, financial, technical and experts support to all or any of our socio-economic and welfare projects for eradication of poverty, disease, illiteracy, unemployment, hunger and effect of natural calamities, man-made disaster and for protection, welfare and security of the oppressed humanity. 17. Should you deem it fit to have further information please do not hesitate to write to us. We shall make a common platform of Partners in progress. Donations may also be sent directly to the ISHA KHA FOUNDATION and will be acknowledged with appreciation.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:03:48 +0000

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