8 SIGNS & SYMPTOMS of Mineral Deficiencies 1. Cuts heal slowly - TopicsExpress


8 SIGNS & SYMPTOMS of Mineral Deficiencies 1. Cuts heal slowly and/or scar easily – this is a sign of zinc deficiency. Zinc is critical in wound healing. It’s also important to have zinc to help build the stomach acid you need in order to pull the minerals from your food to begin with. 2. Calf, foot or toe cramps at rest – (Okay, who hasn’t experienced this symptom from time to time?) This is a sign of calcium, magnesium or potassium deficiency. 3. Lost vitality and sense of awareness or someone who ‘fakes’ their energy - This person is lacking in minerals and likely quite imbalanced. Remember minerals are the ‘spark plugs’ of life. Minerals act as cofactors for enzyme reactions. Enzymes do not work without minerals. Enzymes are your bodies work horses. In Chinese medicine enzymes are what give the body it’s ‘chi’. 4. Feet have a strong odor -- This is a common sign of magnesium deficiency. Keep in mind every gram of sugar consumed uses up 54 of magnesium. This means most Americans are magnesium deficient. And that’s only one reason we have such and epidemic of magnesium deficiency. 5. White spots on fingernails – this is very telling again of zinc deficiency. If you do decide to supplement with zinc make sure you take it with an overall mineral supplement as other minerals support zinc. 6. Abnormal cravings for substances other than food, such as paper, dirt, clay, rubber as well as ice are indicative of an iron deficiency. These are signs of Pica, affecting mostly women and children. 7. Yeast & Fungal Infections – often indicate low iron and zinc deficiencies, while the tissue copper levels are elevated. Excessive copper can produce an environment that encourages yeast and fungus to grow and proliferate. Chronic candida usually indicates high tissue copper levels. 8. Hypertension & Cardiac Arrhythmias – this is a common sign of potassium deficiency. Potassium plays a major role in the muscle contraction of the heart, as well as the heart beat, it’s also an important regulator of blood pressure. ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS? Well, you can change that today by adding CELL NUTRITION, a very healthy and affordable option, to your diet! CELL NUTRITION has every vitamin, mineral and organic cell salt the body requires! This ONE product is able to supply your entire body with all of its nutritional essentials! Amazing, eh? [Sources: Trace Elements and Other Essential Nutrients. David L. Watts, Signs & Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Dicken Weatherby, N.D., Staying Health with Nutrition. Elson M. Haas, MD]
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 15:53:00 +0000

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