8 Useful Tips on How to Get Rid of Neck Pain Most people have - TopicsExpress


8 Useful Tips on How to Get Rid of Neck Pain Most people have experienced neck pain at least once during their life time. It is one of the most common pains, which is usually triggered by bad posture, wrong sleeping habits, and stress. However, there are many ways to alleviate this discomfort, and the following are 8 useful tips and hints that will help you get rid of neck pain quickly and efficiently. 1. Improve Your Posture Neck pain is often caused by poor posture habits. Improper spine and neck curvature may cause a great deal of pain over time, as well as lead to serious health problems. Read the following tips and learn how to improve your posture. It will help you get rid of the annoying neck pain. Sitting position -When working at the computer or at the desk, you need to have your monitor at eye level and keep your back straight. Your head should be aligned with your spine and your shoulders pulled back slightly, until your torso is erect. Keeping your back slightly curved out will prevent your spine and your neck from bending forward, into a strained position. Regular breaks are also extremely important! -When driving, adjust your seat to keep your back straight. Use the neck rest to make sure your neck is aligned with the rest of your spine. -Reading and watching TV can also leave you achy and stiff. Always remember to keep your back in upright position, and even here use a neck rest or a small pillow behind your head, to assure proper alignment of your head, neck and spine. Standing and walking position -Always keep your back straight and your shoulders slightly backwards. Avoid high heels as much as possible – they will change your body’s posture and increase neck pain. Telephone use and hand bags -You should practice good posture even when using the phone. Get a headset, and absolutely avoid cradling the receiver between your ear and shoulder to keep your hands free. Having your head bent to one side is one of the worst positions for you neck. -Carrying hand bags can also cause serious neck pain. Don’t ever overload your bag – it shouldn’t weigh more than 3 pounds. Using the same shoulder to carry the bag is also one of the worst things you can do for your neck. To get rid of neck pain, alternate shoulders regularly throughout the day. 2. Do Regular Neck Stretching Exercises Regular stretching exercises will help prevent and alleviate neck pain. Shoulder shrugs -To reduce tension in the back of your neck, keep your arms hanging loose at your sides, and lift and shrug your shoulders up towards the ears. Hold for 10 seconds, and then release. Repeat this movement several times and do this exercise 4 to 5 times a day. Head tilts -Keep your left arm hanging lose at your side, wrap your right arm around the left side of your head, and place your right hand over your left ear. Tilt your head to the right, pressing it gently with your right hand. Hold for 10 seconds. Then release and repeat on the other side. Do this exercise 6 times a day, or whenever it is necessary. -Place your hands on the back of your head and slowly tilt your head forward, dropping your chin toward your chest. While doing it, gently press your head with your hands. Head and neck rotations -Keep your neck and your back in the upright position and look straight forwards. Now turn your head to the right, and then to the left. Hold each stretch for 5 seconds, and repeat the movement 10 times on each side. -Press your chin against your neck, slowly rotate your neck to the right, then tilt your head back, looking at the ceiling. Rotate to the left and then forwards into the starting position. Repeat in the other direction and do this movement 5 times on each side. 3. Massage Massage can also give a temporary relief to your neck pain and relax muscles. Use your thumb, your middle finger and the index finger to massage your neck and shoulders, or get a professional massage at a Day Spa. 4. Relax and Eliminate Stress Stress is a common cause of neck pain. To get rid of neck pain, take frequent rests during the day and practice some relaxation techniques, such as yoga and meditation. Another great tip is to just lie down on the floor on your back, close your eyes and breathe deeply. It will help you relax and get rid of stress. And your neck will benefit greatly! 5. Take Warm Showers Let warm water run over your neck, and make sure to keep your back and neck straight while doing it. It will help relieve tension, relax stiff muscles and reduce neck pain. 6. Hot and Cold Packs -Use heating pads to relax your neck and reduce pain – it is one of the oldest remedies for neck pain. It will loosen tight muscles and take some pressure off your neck. -You can also apply cold compresses or ice packs on your neck. It will reduce swelling and give relief to your neck pain. Don’t keep ice for more than 10 minutes at a time, and always wrap your packs in a towel. 7. Improve Your Sleeping Posture Sleep on a firm mattress and use only one pillow. Absolutely avoid big, thick and firm pillows. Do not sleep on your stomach, as it will force you to twist your head and neck. Holding your head and neck in a twisted position can lead to strain and pain. 8. Analgesic Creams You may try over the counter creams containing Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen, or opt for herbal remedies. Bengay or Tiger balm, as well as herbs such as Arnica, St. John’s Wort, Rue, Devil’s claw, Willow bark, have great analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. They are available either as ointments, or in a capsule or tincture form. Menthol, camphor and capsaicin can also be very helpful. Source: Youqueen
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 13:25:00 +0000

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