8 things you shouldnt be doing just because youve joined a gym for - TopicsExpress


8 things you shouldnt be doing just because youve joined a gym for the first time in your life and have had your gym membership for less than a month... 1. Bag out someone who is doing bicep curls in a squat rack. Guaranteed you dont even know what a proper squat is yet anyways, so dont open your mouth and start quoting gym memes. 2. Post gym selfies. Youve been training a month, take a chill pill. No one cares how your brightly coloured Lorna Jane top matches your tiny bum hugging Lorna Jane cutie shorts. Its too small anyways. And extremely overpriced. 3. Give other people advice you learnt from something you read in Mens Health Magazine or from a video your 16 year old cousin sent you the link to on YouTube. 4. Wear a stringer singlet. Males. And females too. Wait a little while before you sport the crop top stringer singlet combo. We see those side rolls. They arent obliques. 5. Post progress pics. Wait till you have a little progress before you post the progress pics. Todays pic looked exactly the same as yesterdays pic. Tomorrows wont look any different. 6. Bag out anyone who doesnt go to the gym. A month ago you didnt even know how to spell gym. And a month ago you thought exercise was doing 10 ab crunches on the floor before you went to bed. 7. Post motivational quotes on Instagram and Facebook. Im glad youre finally motivated to get off your ass. Good for you. Doesnt give you life coaching qualifications though. 8. Enrol to study for your Personal Training Certificate. There are enough under qualified, unmotivated, clueless, brain dead Personal Trainers out there that wouldnt know the difference between a dumbbell and Bosu Ball. We have enough drones ruining our industry, so stick to giving financial advice or child minding or whatever your original trade is, and wait a few months before making life changing career decisions.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 09:44:18 +0000

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