80 Little Things That Say I Love You 1. Telling him about my - TopicsExpress


80 Little Things That Say I Love You 1. Telling him about my day. The ups and the downs. 2. Hearing all about his happenings too. 3. Holding hands. Any chance we get. 4. Saying hello with a kiss. 5. Not mentioning the bad breath. 6. Curling up against his warm back at midnight. 7. Sitting next to him in church. 8. And nudging each other when the sermon particularly applies. 9. Warming up his side of the bed. 10. Or grateful when hes already warmed up my side. 11. Sharing a cup of coffee. In the early morning hours. 12. Calling in the middle of the day. Just cause I miss him. 13. Waking me gently. With his soft touch. 14. Heading upstairs together to go to bed. 15. Texting a sweet little message. 16. Or maybe a slightly suggestive one. 17. Standing by him. When he needs a friend. 18. Going Christmas shopping together for the children and grand-children. 19. Slow dancing. To an old love song from the 80s. 20. Giving him medicine when he feels bad. 21. Praying for his protection. 22. Winking at me. From across the room. 23. Folding his t-shirts. Just the way he likes them. 24. Helping me zip up the back of my dress. A little too slowly, if you ask me. *wink 25. Enjoying intimacy. Even when were both rather tired. 26. Admiring his good looks. 27. And hearing him say Hey, babe, you look good today. 28. Keeping our grand-daughters for the weekend and taking them to Sonic after 8:00 on Saturdays to get half price Strawberry/Banana milkshakes. 29. Kissing him on the lips. And staying there a little longer than necessary. 30. Graciously overlooking that mistake he made. 31. Falling asleep in his arms. 32. Waking up by his side. 33. Staying up late watching a movie together. 34. Attempting to stay awake for his action flicks. 35. Packing his lunch. Enclosing a little love note too. 36. Blowing him a kiss as he pulls out the driveway. 37. Listening to his goals and aspirations. 38. Sharing my hopes and dreams with him too. 39. Asking God to bless him mightily. 40. Laying my head on his shoulder. Because I can. And want to. 41. Cheering him up. When hes had a hard day. 42. Wiping out his whiskers from the sink after he shaves. 43. Taking a hot shower. Together. 44. Thanking God for this man in my life. 45. Rescuing me so many times when I have had car trouble. 46. Leaning into him. While were kissing. 47. Telling me Im gorgeous. When Im wearing sweat pants. 48. Scratching his back and him scratching mine when we need it. 49. Warming up my cold feet. With his own warm skin. 50. Listening to the rain coming down. Simply because it makes such a beautiful sound. 51. Spending holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas with our children and grand-children. 52. Kissing the top of my head. 53. Tickling and wrestling together in the bed. Just for the fun of it. 54. But getting him back later. Because thats fun too. 55. Doing the dishes for me when there is a lot and I am too tired. 56. Getting up with him at 4:00 on Monday mornings to see him off before he leaves for work for the week. 57. Getting a Disney movie for the grand-daughters to watch on a Saturday night when they stay with us and watching it with them and sharing buttered popcorn as we all watch it together. 58. Asking God to give him the strength. When hes hard-pressed with a deadline. 59. Getting away for a few days. A romantic escape. 60. Stroking my hair. Caressing my shoulders or my hand while holding it. 61. Singing old snippets of different songs together. 62. Slipping away to Flaming Amys (one of our favorite holes in the wall) to have a quiet supper out of the house together. 63. Feeling his arms around me; holding me tight. 64. Watering my garden and picking my peppers for me or cutting my okra because I let it go a day. 65. Taking me for a scenic drive. When Im desperate toget out of the house. 66. Saying goodbye to our youngest son as he goes off to college. Knowing that this is what we raised him for. 67. Holding me and comforting me. As I weep once he has left. 68. Attending family dinners together with his family mine or mine. 69. Experiencing first time things together or taking trips to St. Maarten with his family. 70. Reading aloud to each other. When its just too good to keep to yourself. 71. Taking Jake outside and just standing together on the patio. Saying nothing at all. 72. Playing badminton in the yard at my familys house in Georgia...having so much fun. 73. Saying Im sorry. Because I really, really am. 74. Going fishing on the pier at 5:30 in the morning just because I want to be with him and getting soaked in a rainstorm savoring every moment and memory. Admitting it was all worth it. 75. Forgiving each other. For the hundredth time. 76. Then letting it go. Another hundred times. 77. Hitting the snooze button. And pretending for a few minutes that weve nothing better to do than snuggle in bed. 78. Telling the world how thankful I am to be married to him. 79. Celebrating each anniversary. Truly grateful for every year we have together. 80. Saying I Love You. Every day. Because I do. Yes, most of our marriage has been made up of these tiny little things. Looking forward to more years, Lord-Willing to make many more memories together. Small things that simply say I Love You. All things work together for good to those who love God & are called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:26:21 +0000

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