80% of Piegan-Blackfeet Indians today subsist on food stamps which - TopicsExpress


80% of Piegan-Blackfeet Indians today subsist on food stamps which the whites begrudge them. Diabetes is at epidemic proportions because Indians live on a “bean and flour” diet, noted as far back as 1890 by nutrition experts as causing bad health. Government doctors noted it was all the Indians had to eat. Today, 25 to 30 people live in single family housing when they can get housing, which is in short supply. The tribal unemployment rate is above 80% on the Blackfeet reservation. Ideology of the Conservative Republican Party supports only his political and economic advancement, and rejects any that differ from his, such as the Native people. The Conservative Republicans brush aside all of the economic, political, social, religious and ecological environmentalism of the Indians, and point to their rich man economy of “Reaganomics” that has produced the rich one percent, tens of millions of poor Americans, and pollution of the planet as symbols of their superiority. Their “ideology” is leading to human extinction. Scientists tell them these are facts, not fantasy, but they refuse to alter their mode of life or way of thinking. The Republican majority Montana Legislature voted in 2011 to reject $164 million in “free” federal funds for poor people, meaning no state match was required to receive the federal funds. The Conservative Republican legislators said it violated their “ideology” because most of the funding was targeted for the “reservation/counties.” It was the public spectacle of “Slow Death Measures” genocide captured live, in state legislative action, broadcast on state t.v. in a legislative session, recording the Republican’s “counting coup” by voting against infants and dependent mothers food and medicine. -from The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau now for sale on Amazon
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 04:55:40 +0000

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