828 Ministries Weekend Devotional Rick Warrens Ecumenism World - TopicsExpress


828 Ministries Weekend Devotional Rick Warrens Ecumenism World Tour Stops At the Vatican December 7, 2014 Snippet From Devotional: Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues; for her sins are heaped high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Pay her back as she herself has paid back others, and repay her double for her deeds; mix a double portion for her in the cup she mixed. As she glorified herself and lived in luxury, so give her a like measure of torment and mourning, since in her heart she says, ‘I sit as a queen, I am no widow, and mourning I shall never see.’ For this reason her plagues will come in a single day, death and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for mighty is the Lord God who has judged her.” - Revelation 18: 4-8 (ESV) As Christians we often talk about the end times in such an abstract way that we protect ourselves from having to really deal with it. We feel the birth pains and see them growing closer together with each horrific war story or natural disaster. We become numb to the fact that seemingly every day there is a weather anomaly we never heard of growing up. Mudslides, polar vortex, tsunamis. We see the slide in the culture overall to godlessness. If we are really paying attention we see it in the church system as the great apostasy is well underway. False teaching is celebrated and those who would point it out are marginalized. Hucksters and snake oil salesmen are making merchandise of the Gospel and the sheep of God every Sunday in the name of Jesus. None of this should be surprising. The Bible prophesied all of it. I am talking real prophecy and not the cheap knock off we see in churches today, which is nothing more than demonic clairvoyance. Read the Revelation of Jesus Christ given to John on the island of Patmos and you will see the end times we are living in played out before your eyes. One of the prophecies contained in Revelation is the development of a one world religion. Ecumenism is the technical word for the uniting of all Christian religions under one banner. This movement has been afoot for decades already with most of Protestantism resisting the lure. What we have clearly seen for the past few decades however is the explosion of heretical church models of growth through the seeker friendly, purpose driven, mega church movement. This blending of capitalism and religion has made many men rich at the expense of the faithful poor. Somehow I do not think a faithful reading of the Gospels allows for pastors with helicopters, luxury automobiles and their own fleet of private jets. Most evangelicals reject the gaudiness and apostasy of the low lying fruit we see on the reality TV show the Preachers of LA but the cold reality is they are just a microcosm of mainstream mega-churchdom today. Andy Stanley is on record as saying that we should no longer use the word shepherd because it is no longer culturally relevant. That is the end result of the purpose driven church. Where pastors are vision casting CEOs instead of protective shepherds feeding the sheep of the Lord until He returns again. One side effect of this purpose driven heresy is that it has resulted in what I refer to as Kumbaya Christianity. Where anyone who can correctly spell Christ is considered a brother or sister. It is not a far leap in logic then to see how this paves the road towards Ecumenism. The man at the head of that paving line is Rick Warren of Saddleback Church. The father of the purpose driven heresy, Warren has been paving the road towards ecumenism for several years now. Every time he gets exposed he denies everything but in this age of video, the proof is always there for those who truly want it. On July 4th, 2009 Rick Warren was a guest speaker at the 46th annual ISNA conference. ISNA is the Islamic Society of North America. Warrens remarks were not about the Gospel but about how the two different religions could work together to alleviate some of the global problems we face. While this speech was carefully couched to avoid deeper criticisms, Warren has thrown caution to the wind as of late and recently visited the Vatican where he made his ecumenical views quite apparent. 828ministries/articles/Rick-Warren-s-Ecumenism-Wo-by-Anthony-Wade-Evangelical_Faith_God_Religion-141207-5.html
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 01:11:34 +0000

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